Ciu Mottufoarfr Minrntfr, AN IRREGULAR JOURNAL. Vol. I. SABRAON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1882. No. 1. Bubbles round the keel show the vessel moves.—Mas. Browning. goike to Contributors. The Editor does not hold himself responsible for the opinions of his contributors. He cannot undertake to return MSS. Authorship kept strictly private if requested. To secure an insertion in the forthcoming issue, contributions should be in by Wednesday night, and be put into the " Editor's Box," at the top of the main companion-way. In no case do we give reasons for declining articles. Co-operation alone CAN SECURE THE SUCCESS OF OUR JOURNAL. TO OUR READERS. It has been our wont to observe closely the physiognomy of our fellow-men, and from their countenance to read the riddle of their life. Since we have made the " magnificent clipper ship Sobraon " our adopted home, our old habit has not forsaken us, and we are of opinion that there are already significant indications of the shadows of ennui darkening the days of many of our fellow-passen¬ gers. Being of a humane, philanthropic disposition, we feel it our duty to do our utmost to check the encroachments of this distress¬ ing malady. " To be or not to be "—alive for a few years to come seems to be the one subject which preys upon the mind of most, and their only resource lies in sleep — sleep by night and sleep by ___/*iSL. day. Now we Would not have our readers re¬ main in igno¬ rance of the latest teach¬ ing of our physiologists on the injury jnflicted upon the human system by this continual folding of the* hands to sleep. These are the words used by one of our foremost living teachers: