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wmwnmm Ẅa $1'T FLWYDDYN, YN MLAEN-LLAW. 1?. GWALLTER PRICE, (Ouàefyn,) GOLYGYDD A CHYHOEDDWR. "BYD HEB DDIH YW BOD HEB DDUW." Cyf. I.] " MI?rERSVILLE, SIR SCHÜY LKILL, PA., HYDREF 1, 1858, [Rhif 2. , The Postage ©f the Bard, Withîn the State, is & centsa year, out of the State, 13 centa a year. Telerauy Bardd. TAliU». r* MîiAHÎî fjUAyr ODDrWRTH 3AWB TEi EC GILYÜD. t Copi am flwyddyu, 6 <i .< <. 16 " " _^0 íí « «. I Copi am chweob mia, 7 « «< « « 18 « " « 25 " " " 1 Copi am drt mis, j2 " « « •< 4â $1 00 5 00 13 00 16 00 24 00 50 3 00 7 00 10 00 25 2 75 ■> 00 10 00 A Weehly Newspaper, devoted to Literature, th» Arts and Seienoe», Iron, Mining and Manufactur- ing Intelligenoe, and tho Interests of the Working classea generally. Publishedin Minersville, Schuyl- kill County, Pa., on every Weduesday morning. ter^is: INYARIABLY IN ADYANCE. Single eopy, onc year, j Six copies Advertistng rates of the Bard. One square of 10 Ẃies, three insertions, $1 00 Bvery subseqnent insertion, 25 Half sqnare, 5 lines, three ineertiona, 63 Rach subsaquent insertion, 15 One square, three months, 1 50 do six munths, 2 75 do one year, 5 00 Merchants and others advertising by tiie year, wiíh ohanges, and a standing advertisement not exceediag 2 squares of 20 linee, wiü be charged, $9 00. Terme of Advertininç. Àdvertigements for a shorter perìod than six months to be paid for in advanoe. Yearly adver- tisementi to be paid semi-aanually in adrance. Argraphir biliau, pamphletau, neu ìyfrau yn Symraegneu Saeaanaegyn rad-a destlus. ^r Wertö yn y Swyddfa hon; Taroiìi Beirdd, <?aroh. R. BDi*, Cynddelw,) 5« Mwlíooîi ìfAif (Gwüym Mai,) 2ŵ Náojíi, * Joesri* a'j Prodtr, (Parch. J. P. Ham*^íèí«ml>rf«,) Í2i -$ 2 0§ - - - 10 00 Twelve copies, " - - - - - 18 00 Twenty-four copies, - -, - ' Rates of Advertising: j One square of 10 lines, three insertions, | Every gubsequent insortion. I Ilaif square, 5 lines. th' íusertiona, | Each subsequent insertíon', One square, three months. do six months, do one year, Merchanta and others advertising by theyear, with changes, and a standing advertisement not exceeding 2 squares of 20 lines, will be charged, $18 00. Terms of Advertising: Adverüsements for a ahorter period than six montha to be paid for in advanoe. Yearly adver- tisements to be paid semi-annuaily in advance. •Joh Printings Executed with neatness, cheapness, and despatch. T. G. PRICE, Editor and Proprietor. 30 00 $1 00 25 63 15 3 50 6 00 10 00 Jäí Persons desirous of having ■*"*their frienda brought OHt from Bngland, Iro- land, Scotland and Wales, by the Washingtoa line of Pacfcets, can pnrchase Passago Ticfcefca at tha offiee of J. H. BIGHARDS, MmersTiUfl, Agent fbr SABBL A CORTI8, and thua secure to their firiend» thafe dispatch and good treatment for which the above line ia noted.' Drafts of £1 and upwarde, on England, Scotland, Ireland, Wâles snd Germaay. Applioatíous, personally or by maü, promptly at- teaded to. * Sept. 15, JÍ58.