YR ATHEAW CERDDOROL, &c.; &c.j &c. Cyf. I. ¥ &ì)an îíterortaetijol. 1854. "F'EWYETH TWM."-"POOR ÜNCLE TOM." (Y Caethwas Cristionogol.) Andante. Geoege Perry, Esq. Solo Treble. 'ffi ÎÄ ^tÿ Clywch! o'r pell Orllewin du, Adroddiad gwae a thrist- Hark! from distant western shore, A tale of woe, ne'er wch gwir; Clywch, Brydeiniaid breiniol, cu, Trwm hel ynt Tom y heai'd before; List ye free-born Britons brave, It comes from Uncle j^ff^m^ caethwas dû; Ei werthu'n sydyn gâdd ryw nawn, Am Tom th e Slave, His master sold him when in need of y^H^Nr^ 1 l i-U dt aur,—O! weithred greulawn iawn; Cadd oddiwrth ei gold;—Oh! cruel, wieked deed: They tore him from his nrrrî p—m ¥--¥- W—¥ *j wraig a'i blant, A phob peth cu, Ei rwj'go bant. children, wife, 'Twas all poor Tom had dear ìn life,