..;■;■■■ <f ■■■■■■;:;; ; v NEWPORT REVIEW MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER. Vol.. I.—N«. ia.) Newport, Wciastiay* NovJ*aath %%Zj,- (Price ai. | • Fatiret sty "weapon « £«? JP« ^00 discreet T& run a-muei% and utl 4*SNiMMB£g|j^ .J" <wi(§f aear jm? *« <? /a/«^ «/* Mcetorst "^ *■"•'-'' «*■ T/icct^ vu>ert .Of, S/iarpirs and Directors, Pope. TO THE RADICAL OF NEWPORT. Sioitiuttuiksfute, Now my kid v let u* star^fair. Are you all rt.idy ? Now shen, Huzza; hip, hip, hip, Huz/,a; again, agaify again,' Hu-zzh* well .Hftae;-* that is hearty. So, th« %£»se * Recorder ami Aldermen, avid the honest To«tt-€lerk,eh«i*e ffv^r-upifhe tl»e Mayor's Feast,'. There is to be no uuz-/hug -nor ^ormuidizm-, mm spoilirisr tro^ s* r tlr-** • • ;s?J 4j^^^"i^*-ij^*i«^'»--5^^**H^* Kovembev! Sir Charlesk-Morgan ami Iws learned Sows, and Colonel^ascettes, and Lord Rodney, and Colonel MiNoian, and the Aldermeirof Newport, and 4he Lord of Lactone Lfallf and the resimsctau&s t i k2> U*St lLJuh .-..■a.-.,: ..*,■ ^v.-