NEWPOIT REVIEW, AKO MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER," t Vdt, ii.—No. ti.J Newport, Sjturiay, Nay, t;th tSa*. (I'nc id, * Can I not strip the gildinj off a krnvt, tmplac'd, unpension'd, no man's heir or slavt ? * I I wiU, or perish ir. the glorious cause: Hear this and tremble ! yau who 'scape the law3. Yes, While I five, no rich of crafty knave g.; Jb^t.waik the *wki ip credit to his grave. .........I ■I"1. ■ :»w »•■ i j' - ; ■---------------------——-------—— , SiW: ' * ' - f ' * ■ Having seen in tiie Newport Review a ■ letter signed sr A Burgess*** purporting to give an ac- ' count !of tbte Section of the Ifsk* Ponrieve ; may f * request' tine favotirof yO«r givjusr pwhiicify toalevr ' addittariai-' particulars 't>frtfiat subject. Witbout dif- feTrttg'th fttibfetanre from the statement made by your - correspondent. 1 shall -meriy observe, tb«t,'■ after MMfP^j candidates,^'Pkrson WHIiains and James BUrn, had beetf:dufy-: praised artd Mtioiided fcjlHtf&H*t&ptQ0*4 \ IneWW/iiiid'-bf l,e6uc§e'ia: UtofH *#olhlflM(Wlbd 'been' tirade,". tttW■ questiofe^-ftr' Wfmt'> Rr¥' tfe«*fB§©fcli»tt» evidently, fNs,:piltfb¥ thsitts&t&nn, aiiii!JameitB*yctv wfcl5 ettoieh * by; I majority: of SSJ 'to ■ eleven ?" - Sotftef doubts beinsr "'expressed *by fctre parson's frteridvtfc to; whether mere might not be some intruder*, w&oea-; c*e%ged thlrgUhw of liands t» Mr. Tlfytb- it W*& oi:d* r-.d that aH hut the Burgtsses sboulu %\cjiira«iy