NEWPORT REVIEW, / MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER. Vol. I.—No. io,) Newport, Saturday, Nov. 9th iSaz. (Price 2d. Can I not strip the gilding off a knave, l/nplac'd, unpension'd, no man's heir or slave ? I will, or perish in the glorious cause j Hear this and tremble ! you who 'scape the lawt. Yes, while I live, no rich or crafty knave Shall walk the world in credit to his grave. TO Sir, Without prefacing this with such remarks as might by some be deemed necessary, I beg leave to address you, as one of the Gentlemen composing the Committee for the Canal Company, and to beg1 that you will call the attention of your committee to the existence and removal of so ne. of the most scandalous Nuisances and Annoyances in the town ; which have been suffered to exist for a !<>n<j time ; notwithstanding they come under the coutroui of your committee. These nuisances arc on the towing path, and places adjoining the Canal ; in parts of the town that are as much frequented as any, by persons on their entrance into Newport, and in going to and from the Wharfs