NEWPORT REVIEW, tn*-//& AND I" MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER. .* -... yQfc> I.--No. 9.) IJewyoft, FriJay« Nptr. Mt i83Bfa (Price ad. £, Can I not strip the gilding off a knave, l/nplac'd, unpension'd, no man's heir or slave ? I will, or perish in the glorious cause: He*r this and tremble ! you who 'scape the laws Yes, while I live, no rich or crafty knave Shall walk the world in credit to his grave. * *'Pom." Zotht Snircpcttittttt Burgesses of aetopcrt an& , their SbttpjiorttrsJ. COKTTHrjED FEOM PACE 79. ^ While I was in Court at Usk, waiting for ray affair to be, called on, Prothero was standing at the door of the room in which he transacts business as treasurer. 1 fixed my eyes on his countenance, and never but once did I see such a one* I was in Bristol when Tyso was hanged. I walked by tbe side of the Cart, and when we came into Horse-street, the wretched man requested a drop of water* which was banded to him from one of the houses. While he was waiting for the water, I had a full view of his face, and the impression which it made on my mind, will never He effaced, it was pale and ghastly; horror was depicted