NEWPORT REVIEW, MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER. Vol. J.—No. 7.) Newport, Friday, Oct. nth, lfcu. (Price ad. Can I not strip the gilding off a knave, Ij^plac'd, unpensioa'd, no man's heir or t\vn ? I will, or periili in the glorious cause: Hear this and tremble! you who 'scape the law* ye*, while J live, no rich or crafty knave Shall walk the world in credit to his grave, »F0P£." PARISH REFORM. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Newport, re¬ gularly convened, and held at the Carpenter's Arms, Inn, orr Tuesday, September-94th ; It was resolved, That a. Contract be entered into for the maintenance of the Poor of the Borough, for the ensuing 6 months, from th'e first of October, to, the first of April; and that the Tenders of such persons as may be willing to enter into such contract be received. Mr. Edwaid Frost and Mr. William Bird protested against it, vta * account of the few that was there present, but thtsjr were completely manoeuvered out of it *, for the sense of the select few who composed the meeting at the beginning had been taken and declared to be m fovor of a contract, while Mr.Frost was absent, A&-* some desultory conversation ; nadin? over of Acts of Parliament, and the late cojifraei w.ih NirjoHs, and Co. Two Tenders were put in, ihe one iroia Mr. John Fhillhs of the Custo-n house, was for £'2B6,~ for the six ninths* j and that of Mr. John Nicholas,