w«<.^ ' - ••■ rW^ c/£-^^^ 2r» THE NEWPORT RE mdjZ* /rA AND MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER. "/V01.. 1»—Ho. *.) M^«r|*&rl« Sawrday, Oct 5th, jgza. (Price §L *Cml aat strip the giHiag dFa kaaivc, tfttflac'df ai^casbo'd, no man's heir or siaw r 1 wfll, or peruh i» ihe -glorious cause • 'Bear tk» aad" trenbte ! you wrho *scspe she laws. Yw$ whils I 4Jvt, a® rich or crafty krave Sh-tli walk the worid ia credit to h«* pOTto *«#." ^4 continuation of ike Letter written to Mr. Prothero in June, 18SI. Now, Sir, I beseech you to lay aside all anger bc,fore you proceed any further, and then patiently and calmly -consider my defence ; you must be sensible I Lave no wish to offend. 1 shall state only that whi»;h 1 sincerely believe to be true and nothing more. Lu p.csccuiiug my enquiries respecting the aiTdjrs of the Burgesses, 1 learnt many things from unquesti¬ onable authority, concerning your conduct tqwards the Burgesses at large, that does neither credit to your HOKOUU, JUDGMENT, Of CHARACTER: but fur whick i olarae the Burgesses as well (fi tpunttf. Had they l"or\ united amongst themselves, and not shewn a w ■; a<'s>A»! niind, and want of priucple, (which realty is degradmg to them) poor Watkins the Sihoemaker, \\ -mid bave met with support sslivn persecuted by \' u, owing to his venturing to ask a *■• etrninie the property they now claim: iha w«*uld Lis