MONMOUTHSHIRE Voi,. t. tidfa.It.J ^MfwV Fxt4«f» A«pj«r S*4» ***&# (tVip* ad. ------:—fi«----.a.,,,-,;---------^»_-^----.-----,~—i~^^-^..~...^..,;..;;,J*~ l>^J»e*d» sinjKauim'd, no mm'* lajir or «j**e ? . r*S, *f ffcridiift At glarieu* citasc J .SJjtar&iMtnd *i*q*f»|*M ym ***» :.'*«pe s&e lis* - : ■£««*, «kiJ* ,1 6«w «eo richer tmftf l*a*w Sba& walk tfee world ia credit te b« gram, "■'.■" •■ '■'■ ><* '"" "><■'■ "^■■■j ■»*»»»»"»■/li.i^Mhi^ ~-..........-....... i>-mj»i.r— .„.«..- To the miMIIifi^ dashes of Tradesmen, Lafowers, ^pd Mechanics* ranked aaaoifgst the Lower Order. The ad vantage* that, have been taken of our i$no*» ance and supiueneaa, »©d tl*e various cases that Iwvt* come to our kn#wle4£* of the maladministration *>* justice, appear at lam to have awakened the attention of some, and excited the astonishment of others. To prevent the recurrance of ibose evils—to preserve the htfie liberty we have iaft, defend ourselves a?»inst the designs of* oyr enemit^, are objects w*rti" deserving our attention. To obtain these objects, two things are nec«csarv. namely, Union and Power; Union wih in most, cases give power, but it is not Physical or bodily .power that is now to be called into action: it is .*f >ney, Money, inends, tnis will sjive us power, an 1 power too, that is often rcqusite to protect u* agonist the