'I US NEWPORT REVIEW, MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER Vat,. I.—No. 4.) Newport, Saturday, Augtm z-fth, l8a*» (Price «d. Can I not. atrip ihe gilding off a knave, Impiac'd, unpension'd, no man's heir or lUve ? I will, or perish in- the glorious cause: Hear thit and tremble ! you who '»c*p* the laws. Yes, while I Htc, bo rich or crafty knave Shall walk the world ia credit to hit grave, fche printer** &&&**** to th* f&t&lit. In ray printed address to the Inhabitants of Newport, on the subject of the Overseer's accounts, I pledged myself to use every exertion in my power to expose the existing abuses in Newport, with other evils generally complained of. I now sit down to redeem in part the pledge given. My object in so doing is, that of advocating the cause of the injured and oppressed—to expose the villany of their op¬ pressors, ami to call the attention of those, who like myselfv are ranked amongst the lower orders, to a sense of their rights and privileges as men: In doing this, I shall have occasion to take a Review of the Past, and to Record such things that may occur in which the interest and happiness of my neighbours are concerned, or likely to be affected. In the discharge of this duty, I am esolved to speak in open and undisguised term*, without regard to any Sect or party, for to use the Poets words; " PARTY A\TD rilK.JUDiCE I HA II ."