MONMOUTHSHIRE REGISTER. Vo*,. I.—No. I.) Newport, Mor.iajf, Astguie 19th, j8«. fPiiec li. Can I nut strip the fBdUtg OB ■ knave. Uaplac'd, ttnpension'd, re man1* heir er tlsws w I will, or perish is she glorious cause : Hear this and tremble ! you who 'scape the feMU Yes, while 1 lwps no rich or crafty knave Shall walk the waffM h credit to hit grava. In times of great public contention'* it becomes the duty of every man who wishes thai liberty of opinion which she15 '.r>iiiigutsh the «&* meter of Englishmen to enquire into the circumstances in -dispute, and to draw his own inference from particulars which may be presented to his Jadgem To prevent the circulation of garbled and partial ports of the occurrences of the .day, the pubijsl the Newport Review, proposes to issue as -often tutyv'i- *@tii « , -nt or necessary* a Regist« B?eots, that may in - any way materially afiect interest of .the people at large, under the title of ^Newport Review asp Mosmgu±bs.hiee Ksentr fffc&s wh ' h Wit! contain a fend of instruction, and amusement ra:«-!y cori;.. •:,." in publications el fc times its intended cost, which the published plei Jfjaat cm-'riS, flatotioo.; and whiefli wtil o«% v.s-f