THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLAN* WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FOND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTIO» OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. Vol II, No. 14. JULY, 1843. Price Id. PROFANE SWEARING. There is nothing more offensive to the ears of an intelligent and well informed man than a profane oath ; and nothing, tends to lower the intellectual and moral character of a man more than being addicted to the vile habit of swearing. He loses his dignity as the head of all created beings, when he stoops to such perversion of language, as profanity implies. There are some who cannot utter a dozen sentences without interlarding them, more or less, with words of this class, inflicting thereby a double injury: first by shocking the feelings of the sensitive hearer, and secondly, by sinking them¬ selves in the estimation of those around them. It may here be asked, is this disgusting practice of any use, any utility ? Does it accomplish what could not be accomplished without it? Does it cause the person or persons address¬ ed to reverence or fear the addresser ? Will not all answer me no! the ten¬ dency is the very reverse. It may perhaps sometimes cause a temporary fear, existing about the space of an idle thought, but like the latter, vanish¬ ing before an impression has been made. Seeing then, that profane oaths do not cause either fear or respect; do not accomplish, what could not be accomplished without their aid, by fit and temperate language, one would naturally imagine that the demeaning habit of swearing would soon be ba¬ nished from among us. This theory however rational, however plausible it may appear, has not been verified in practice, for the vile and wicked habit still continues, individuals still lower themselves in the estimation of sober and discreet men, by clothing their thoughts,theircommands,their threats, in short every thing which issues from their mouth, with words of the gross¬ est, most profane, and disgusting description. Profane swearing is also a great sin. Ought any one lightly, to call upon his Creator—to curse his companions— his dependants—his enemies, nay, oftentimes his own limbs, body and soul! The very thought of such im¬ pious recklessness is sufficient to make a christian shudder: God is a God of terror as well as of love, His name is not to be used irreverently, neither is his power to be mocked with impunity. How many times have we read of persons while in the very act of be¬ seeching the Supreme to maim or to curse them, have had their rash prayers awfully and instantaneously answered, yea, even before their lips had closed upon the supplication ? how many have renounced the sinful and anti- christian practice when too late ? how many have repented of their former profanity when deprived of their sight, their speech, or their hearing? how many have had to drag on a painful and miserable existence with paralysed limbs obtained at their own request? alas! how many ! They have passed to the grave and become forgotten. The examples though numerous have not been sufficient to banish the evil from our country; it unfortunately still prevails, blighting whomsoever it alights on like a pestilential vapour. Vt rily, men cling to evil with a tena¬ city quite unaccountable, while good