THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. Vol II, No. 13. JUNE, 1843. Price Id. THE HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. At the request of the Flintshire Committee of the Home Missionary Society, we insert THE RULES Of the Home Missionary Society, as agreed ujion at Abergele Asso¬ ciation, December 22nd, 1842. 1. The name of the society should be " The Home Missionary' Society" of the Welsh Calvmistic Methodists' for North Wales. 2. The design or object of the so¬ ciety will be the dissemination of re¬ ligious knowledge amongst the in¬ habitants of the Marches of Wales and other places, where there is a destitution of the means of grace, within the united kingdom. 3. That every subscriber of five shillings and upwards, every donor of £5 or more, and every executor who pays £10 or upwards for the use of the society, shall be a member, and his name as such inserted in the annual report. 4. That all the operations of the society shall be carried on under the superintendence of the " Board of the Association," by whose authority Home Missionaries shall be appoint¬ ed—the field of labour extended— chapels or school houses built, &c. 6. That there be a general Trea¬ surer, to be chosen annually by the " Board," to whom all monies col¬ lected shall be forwarded, to be dis¬ tributed by him according to the di¬ rection of the " Board." 6. There shall be two Local Com¬ mittees .consisting of a Secretary and seven Committee men; one Com¬ mittee to be chosen for the Mont¬ gomeryshire District, and the other for the Flintshire District; subject to the approval of the Board, who shall meet and act in their respective Districts, agreeably to the regulations of the Board. That such Local Com¬ mittees meet in their respective Dis¬ tricts once a month (or oftener if necessary) and send Delegates from one District to another twice a year, for the purpose of communicating information respecting their oper¬ ations, and consulting together on the general business of the society. 7. That all the members of the Board shall be allowed to attend and vote at the meetings of the Local Committees, whenever it shall be convenient for them to do so. 8. That every Monthly Meeting in North Wales be considered as a Branch of this society; also every Church belonging to the connexion in the English towns—and adopt the most efficient means to augment the funds of the society; and to see that all collections be sent in to the President or the Treasurer, by the end of July in each year. 9. That the Treasurer and the Secretaries of the society be con¬ sidered ex officio members of the Board, taking care to attend the meetings of the Board, to give an account of their operations when called upon, or send a statement to the care of the President or Secre¬ tary of the Board. 10. That the Board shall appoint one of the Secretaries, or some other