THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (T» ANT) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FOND RAISED BT THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. No. X. MARCH, 1843. Price Id. TO THE EDITOR. Dear Sir,—By inserting the follow- ing Address in your interesting and popular Miscellany, you will highly gratify a numerous class of the pro¬ moters of Education, and greatly oblige, yours, &c. Philomath. Copy of an Address presented to the Academical Board and Calvinistic Methodists' Association, assembled at Abergele, Dec. 22nd, 1842. The following united Report and Ad¬ dress, or Memorial, to the Promoters of Education generally, and to the Calvinistic Methodists' North Wales Academical Board! especially, com¬ prising the subjoined plain "reasons for removing the Northern Academy, pertaining to this Connexion, from Bala to the town of Oswestry, is hum¬ bly and most respectfully submitted. Although this indispensable and eminently useful Institution has been established and prosperously con-, tinued at Bala, from the year 1837 to the present time, and most zealous¬ ly promoted by the Friends of Educa¬ tion in Merionethshire; notwith¬ standing, if a better situation can be obtained, it is highly advisable to re¬ move the Seminary to some more convenient spot; and the locality of Oswestry, although in the county of Salop, seems most eligible and pre¬ ferable, for the following reasons:— 1. It is near the confines of four of the counties of North Wales: viz. Mer¬ ionethshire, Montgomeryshire, Flint¬ shire, and Denbighshire j and it is but a short space further than Bala from the counties of Anglesea and Carnarvon, and the celebrated Holy¬ head road passes through Oswestry to each of those counties, along which the Royal Mail, furnishing superior travelling accommodation, runs to and fro daily. 2. It is one of the principal tho¬ roughfares of stage-coaches, &c, from the South to the North; from North Wales to England ; and from South Wales and part of North Wales to Wrexham, Chester, Liverpool, and Manchester; also between Great Bri¬ tain and Ireland; and between seve¬ ral of these places and each other. 3. Oswestry f is a most convenient and advantageous locality for the stu¬ dents to acquire and learn the English Language practically, which is abso¬ lutely necessary, in order to be quali¬ fied for conversation and the discharge of public duties in that language. 4. It is very eligible as a Central Station of Home Missionary exertions, between Montgomeryshire and Flint¬ shire ; I and as such it may be the opening of a very extensive field and auspicious prospect, for the students to have abundant room and conveni- encies to preach and exert themselves f The Inhabitants and Town of Oswestry have been so highly complimented by Tour¬ ists, thai travellers acknowledge it to be one of the most civil and moral places in the kingdom. J The distance from Oswestry to several of the Home Missionary Stations in Mont¬ gomeryshire and Flintshire is nearly alike.