THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANf) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BIT THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR, THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. No. IX. FEBRUARY, 1843. Price Id. THE MISSION-IN CASSIA. The Secretary of " The Welsh Cal- vioistic Methodists Foreign Mission¬ ary Society" has favored us with the following extract of a letter lately re¬ ceived from the Rev. Thomas Jones, which we feel certain will be read by our friends with feelings of delight and gratitude:—" We are going on much as usual. Every thing, as far as I am able to judge, very encouraging; the results quite adequate to the means; and we only want a gracious outpour¬ ing of the Holy Spirit to complete our highest wishes. Last month 1 have been on a tour of eight days. My objects in going were to obtain a geueral view of the country and people to the eastward, in the district com¬ monly called the Jyntsa or Jaintiah Hills, and partly for the sake of preach¬ ing to the people. I was accompanied by Mr. Lewin and Mr. Yale (the gentleman I mentioned in my last as having undertaken to support a dozen of the natives in my school) and we reached the first night a village called Nongcundic, which is situated about twenty miles N. E. of Cherra. We passed near to several small villa¬ ges, and through some tolerably good arable land, much of it uncultivated. We had some fine views down into the immensely deep vallies which sur¬ round these hills; but much of the way was uninteresting enough. We came upt n a Bazaar which was held at a village, where we halted a little, and I had an opportunity of addressing the people. I first turned to a company drinking spirits, all sitting round the old woman who sold it, and I spoke to them on the folly and evil of such a practice as respects this world, and the awful portion of the drunkard in that which is to come. Though some of them were rather far gone they seemed to see the folly, and to fear the consequence of drunkenness. I exhorted them to repent and seek for¬ giveness through our Redeemer. They agreed with every thing that was said, as the Cassis generally do when spoken to on such subjects; but time and eternity must shew the results. I afterwards collected a company at a distance from the spirit venderess, and spoke to them on the chief doctrines of the gospel. Some of them listen¬ ed very attentively, and were consider¬ ably affected by the truths;—especi¬ ally one man, who enquired very anxiously, several times over, whether God would forgive him his sins? The idea of a full and free pardon seemed too much for him to believe without some hesitation. The next morning, having assembled a congregation, I addressed them on all the doctrines of the gospel. Most of them were sitting on the ground while I described to them the true God,—the creation and fall of man,—the evil and misery we have been subjected to on account of sin,—a future state,—the dreadful condition of the ungodly, &c.; but when I unfolded to them the plan of redemption through the death of Jesus Christ, they involuntarily rose on their feet, and put their faceB as close to mine as they could, as if trying to meet the words as they came from my