THE HOME MISSIONARY, THE PROFITS (IF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. No. VIII. JANUARY, 1843. Price Id. EXTRACTS FROM WELSH SERMONS. To the Editor of the Home Missionary. Dear Sir,—I send you some Extracts translated from Sermons of Eminent Welsh Ministers now with God and the Lamb, for insertion in your un¬ assuming but useful Periodical. They may serve, perhaps, as short specimens of Welsh Preaching to our English Friends in the " Goror." Wishing you all prosperity in your ministerial and editorial capacity, I remain, yours faithfully, Mold. Roger Edwards. THE LOVE OF GOD. David Charles of Carmarthen. The love of God and the love of the creature are essentially different. The creature loves that he may fill him¬ self : God loves that he may fill the object of his affection. The love of the creature goes abroad, and says, I am empty, I am empty! and I want that object to fill me up : but the love of God cries out, I am full, I am full! bring the empty creatures to me, that I may eternally fill them from myself. Divine Power, make them ready for me! Mercy, look for them, that I may satisfy them !—Men love those that are like themselves: God loved sin¬ ners, who were utterly dissimilar to him; these he loved to change them to his own image.—Though the objects of God's love were perfectly worthless in themselves, his love raised them to the greatest worth. They were vile and wretched,—precious in no eyes but in those of divine love,—but then love gave the Son for them! " who loved me, and gave himself for me," saith Paul. What wert thou worth, Paul ? In law, nothing but hell ; but in the hands of mercy, I became worth the Redeemer's blood. In the scale of justice, I was of no weight; but in the scale of love, I weighed down the Son of God himself! THE GRACIOUS SURETY. Ebenezcr Richard. Jesus is an incomparable Surety. He engaged as a Surety without dis¬ pleasing his Father. Many a young gentleman has displeased the old gen¬ tleman, his father, by going a surety for some vagabonds that had nothing to pay ; and perhaps it became need- full to sell some part of the family estate to pay the debt. But Jesus engaged for us with the approbation of his Father. Be not a surety for stran¬ gers, saith Solomon. But a greater, a wiser, and a better than Solomon is here : Jesus gave his name in be¬ half of strangers. Did he know that they were poor creatures, of no esti¬ mation ? Yes. Did he expect them to pay the half ? No. Was he under obligations to do a kindness for them ? No; Justice called for his wrath upon them. Yet he engaged in their stead; and his Father was well pleased in him. He paid icithout impoverishing himself. Many a one is destroyed in his circumstances, by engaging as a surety for other people. But it was not so with Jesus. After signing his name for the poor wanderers, he paid in full for them ; and he is yet infinitely rich, and his good will is as much towards them as ever. He is so rich, and so generous, that he will raise them ere long to inherit a kingdom.