THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVINIST1C METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. No. VII. DECEMBER, 1842. Price Id. SABBATH SCHOOL SICK SOCIETIES. We have for a long time been anxious to see established in the Schools of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodists Societies for the relief of such Scholars as may be seized with sickness. They would tend we think to promote a very desirable feeling among the Scholars, would bind them to the Schools, would teach them to sympathise with each other in the day of adversity, and would instruct them in the duty of providing for the time of sickness. Underneath we submit for the con¬ sideration of the Teachers a number of Rules adopted by a School in Chester:— I. Any Scholar entering this Society shall Subscribe the sum of one halfpenny per week, to be paid for thirteen weeks before such Scholar shall be considered a Member; after which, if it shall please God to afflict such Me.nber, notice must be given to the Teacher of the Class, to whom such Scholar belongs, who shall cause such Member to be immediately visited ; being found as repre¬ sented, such Member shall receive the sum of Two Shillings per week. Payment to commence seven days after notice. II. Any Member's sickness continuing longer than six months, the relief shall be reduced to One Shilling per week, which shall be paid so long as the sickness may continue. III. Any Member having a return of sickness within two months, the six months for which the said Member shall be entitled to receive Two Shillings per week, shall commence from the time the notice was given of the former illness. IV. On the death of any Member, the Parents or Friends shall Teceive from this Society the sum of Thirty Shillings, to assist in defraying the expence of the Funeral; and towards which the sum of One Penny shall be collected from each Subscriber. V. Any Member being six weeks in arrears shall be excluded,unless a satisfactory reason be given to the Secretary. VI. None shall be considered Members of this Society after they have left the School. VII. No Member shall receive relief whose illness is occasioned by wicked or disorder¬ ly conduct * VIII. If any dispute shall arise in the affairs of the Society, the case shall be re¬ ferred to the Teacher's Meeting for decision. IX. A Treasurer, two Auditors, and four Visitors shall be annually appointed. X. The Funds of this Society shall be placed in the Chester Savings' Bank. A sum not exceeding two pounds, to be reserved in the hands of the Treasurer. When the Funds amount to twenty-five pounds, besides two pounds in the Treasurer's hands, the Relief Money shall be increased to Two Shillings and Sixpence per week. XI. That no Child be admitted a Mem¬ ber of this Society under five years of age. SINGULIS CONVERSION. The following interesting fact is stated by the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, of Liverpool: — "A journeyman house painter, who had long enter¬ tained infidel opinions, was engaged in his trade upon the outside of a house nearly opposite mine. From his elevated position he could see over my blind into my study. At an early hour he so saw me at my work; and again, the next morning when he arrived, he found I was be¬ fore him. His curiosity was excited, and the following morning he came much earlier ; still I was before him. He ascertained who I was, and con¬ tinued to watch me while his job in my neighbourhood lasted. Mean¬ while he began, as I afterwards learn¬ ed, to reason thus with himself: ' This gentleman must be in earnest at all events, whether right or wrong. The result of all this reading and