THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (TF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVIKISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCBES OF WALES. No. VI. NOVEMBER, 1842. Price Id. "REMEMBER THE POOR," We beg to remind our readers, especi¬ ally the female portion of them, that winter—cold winter—is at hand ; and to recommend them to look over their wardrobes to see if there is not some clothing that they can spare for the use of the poor in their neighbourhood. Perhaps there are some poor chil¬ dren in our schools without either shoes or stockings, or some other ar¬ ticle of dress, to shelter them from the winter's blast—" He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." A WARNIM TO PROSPEROUS TRADESMEN. A pious tradesman, conversing with a minister on family worship, related the following highly instructive cir¬ cumstance respecting himself:— * " When I first began business for myself, I was determined, through the grace of God, to be particularly con¬ scientious with respect to family prayer. Accordingly, I persevered for many years, in the delightful practice of do¬ mestic worship. Morning and evening every individual of my family was or¬ dered always to be present ,• nor would I allow my apprentices to be absent on any account. In a few years, the ad¬ vantages of these engagements appeared manifestly conspicuous—the blessings of the upper and the nether springs followed me—health and happiness attended my family, and prosperity my business. At length, such was my rapid increase in trade, and the neces¬ sity of devoting every possible moment to my customers, that I began to think whether family prayer did not occupy too much of our time in the morning. Pious scruples arose respecting my in¬ tentions of relinquishing this part of my duty ; but, at length, worldly in¬ terest prevailed so far, as to induce me to excuse the attendance of my ap¬ prentices ; and, not long after, it was deemed advisable, for the more eager prosecution of our business, to make the prayer with my wife, when we arose in themorning, sufficefortheday. Notwithstanding the repeated checks of conscience that followed this base omission, the calls of a flourishing con¬ cern, and the prospect of an increasing family, appeared so imperious and com¬ manding, that I found an easy excuse for this fatal evil; especially as I did not omit prayer altogether. My con¬ science was now almost seared as with a hot iron, when it pleased the Lord to awaken me by a singular provi¬ dence. " One day I received a letter from a young man, who bad formerly been my apprentice, previous to my omit¬ ting family prayer. Not doubting but I continued domestic worship, his let¬ ter was chiefly on this subject; it was couched in the most affectionate and respectful terms; but judge of my surprise and confusion, when I read these words:—' Oh, my dear master, never, never, shall I be able suffi¬ ciently to thank you for the precious privilege with which you indulged me in your family devotions. Oh, sir, eternity will be too short to praise my God for what I learned there. It was there, that I first beheld my lost and wretched state as a sinner; it was there, that I first knew the way of salvation ; and there, that I first expe¬ rienced the preeiousness of Christ in