THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. •■<»'• No. V. OCTOBER, 1842. Price Id. FAMILY RELIGION. Religion consists in a practical re¬ cognition of God. When it enters a family, it extends a sanctifying influence over its domestic arrange¬ ments. It purifies the intercourse of its members, and unites them in daily acts of prayer and praise. As it leads individuals to a throne of grace, so it disposes the heads of families to summon their household together for the purpose of acknow¬ ledging the goodness and of entreat¬ ing the mercy of God. "As for me and my house," said Joshua, "we will serve the Lord." The natural divisions of time suggest the most appropriate seasons for such acts of family piety. In the morning we have to render thanks for the pro¬ tection afforded through the night; and in the evening it becomes us to adore that mercy which has pre¬ served and guided us during the day; to confess the sins we have com¬ mitted, and humbly to pray for forgiveness. There is an obvious propriety in these seasons being chosen for family worship. The one is as naturally suggested as the other. Each supplies its appropriate topics for praise and supplication ; and both are requisite to maintain in our household the temper and spirit of Christ. We always regret the omission of family prayer in the morning, and are utterly at a loss to discover any sufficient reason for a practice which we fear is rather prevalent. It seems as though God were but partially recognized, as though the spirit of the world predominated over that of Jesus Christ, as though the desire of gain were much stronger than that of being guided by the wisdom and protected by the power of God. In order that family wor¬ ship be productive of all the benefits itis designed to communicate, it must be conducted with much prudence, and with evident adaptation to the character and circumstances of the parties concerned. The confessions made and the petitions offered must be somewhat more general than would be appropriate in private prayer. Brevity also should be studied, and such portion of scrip¬ ture be read as are most adapted to interest, and instruct those present. Much evil is done when family prayer is deferred to a late hour in the evening, or when it is protracted beyond reasonable bounds. Weari¬ ness and disgust are thus induced. Unpleasant and repulsive associa¬ tions are formed,' which exert a pernicious influence over the senti¬ ments and feelings of the household. Family worship will be very in¬ complete when nothing more is done than the offering up of morning and evening prayer. We have abandon¬ ed, rather than improved the habits of our forefathers in this respect. They were accustomed to instruct their families in the things of God. Summoning their children and ser¬ vants together, they taught them the principles of religion, and endea¬ voured to engage their hearts in its service. It would be well for the piety of the rising generation if this practice were revived. The head of every family should be its religious