THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALYINISTJC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. No. IV. SEPTEMBER, 1842. Price Id. CHRIST A PATTEEN OF PATIENCE To the Sabbath School Teacher. " Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husband¬ man waiteth for the precious fruits of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive tbe early and latter rain."—James. " The believer desires to have everything that belongs to true patienca, and growth in it; he would have it refined by every fiery trial, and made purer and brighter, that it may hold out till it ha9 done its perfect work.''— Romaine. " Let patience have herperfectwork."-PACL. In order to the advancement of any undertaking, there must be the exercise of patience; and in pro¬ portion to the magnitude of the object will this principle become essential. The philosopher explores from day to day, with unwearied diligence, his favourite study. The man of science will examine with careful attention, and growing pa¬ tience, the bearing of his scientific discoveries. Now, the example of such characters, in a better cause, is worthy of our pursuit and ambition, and may well shame for our su- pineness and impatience. Let us, however, still direct our attention to our great Examplar, and contem¬ plate Him under this interesting feature of his character as worthy of our close imitation. This principle in the dear Redeemer was most exemplary; and could we, as in¬ structors of the young, but catch his spirit, there would be far less com¬ plaint in our labours of love. The patience of Christ was parti¬ cularly discovered in his instructions. On perusing his life, we find Him constantly engaged in imparting instruction, and what an efficient and kind teacher did He manifest I himself. How slow was He to chide —how willing to impart line upon line—how gracious to bear with ignorance and infirmity; and how sweet and inviting were the words that poured from his lips. In Him was displayed no spirit of impatience to cause distress—no haughty atti¬ tude to indicate superiority—here was exhibited everything that was kind, forbearing, and condescending. One would hardly have wondered if the Saviour's patience had been ex¬ hausted when his disciples were so slow to learn—so liable to misappre¬ hend the spirit of his instructions— so unwilling to listen to his gracious voice, and often so wayward in their demeanour; but how benignant was his deportment! there was love breathing upon every line of in¬ struction, and exemplary patience exhibited in the whole of his con¬ duct. In regard to the success of his instructions, the Saviour's patience was also manifested. Those who undertake the tutoring of the human mind are encouraged to continuance when their efforts are at all success¬ ful. Now, with regard to the Saviour's instructions, there was everything to discourage. Did He teach them that his mission was that of love, and designed to confer peace and happiness, they were anxious that fire might descend and destroy the unbelieving Jews! Did He show them that his kingdom was of a spiritual character, and labour to