THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (rF ANY) OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANY WILL BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BY THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALES. No. m. AUGUST, 1842. Price Id. WOMAN'S LOVE. How sincere and ardent is the Love of Woman ! how pure the throbbings of her heart! how earnest the de- votedness of her attachment! Do pain and sickness oppress her, with what fortitude does she suffer! Do poverty and want attend her, she bears with patience the miseries of her lot! Does man, proud man, load her with contumely, she confines her sufferings to her own breast! Do her children treat her with ingratitude ! she prays to the throne of mercy that their ways may be amended. How many amongst the great and talented of America's sons are indebted to a mother's care for all their fame and honours ! How many amongst the eminent statesmen of the age, and upon whom " recorded honours have thickened around," owe their ad¬ vancement to the precepts which were at an early age instilled into their tender minds by her who gave them being! Who that prides himself upon his American birth, but will cherish in his heart a remembrance of the virtues of the mother of Washington ! Who, Like woman, smooths the bed of pain and administers to the wants of the sick with inexhaustible patience ? Who, like her, foregoes sleep and patiently endures a course of unremitting watchings? Whose hand is so sympathetic ? Whose heart so soothing T It is in the domestic circle that woman adds a brilliant trait to the wreath c£ virtues which adorn her brow. As a mother, we contemplate the beauty of her character when in the discharge of the responsible duties which devolve upon her— those of educating her children, instilling into their tender minds the precepts of religion, rearing them unto virtue and to truth., As a wife, she shines with the brilliancy of the sun on a bright summer's day, when comforting her husband in the hour of affliction, consoling him in the time of trouble, alleviating his wants "when pain and sickness wring his brow." As a sister, she manifests her affection with a sincerity character¬ istic of a woman's love. Pure and holy are the throbbings of a sister's heart for the welfare of a brother. As a daughter, how lovely and amiable she appears when contribu¬ ting to promote the happiness of her aged parents—in rendering happy the residue of their days, and by devoting her time, or exercising her talents, to smooth the rugged path of the evening of their life. It was indeed a brilliant reflection of the Great Je¬ hovah, when, in his infinite wisdom, he thought "it was not good for man to be alone."—What a grand idea ! How characteristic of his love ! How noble in its bearings ! Is it only man that is created in the image of his God ? Oh no, 'tis woman that ap¬ proaches nearest to the resemblance of her Creator. Ask the hardy mariner why he exposes himself to the dangers of the mighty deep? And he will answer, 'tis for woman. Ask the. daily labourer why he toils from the rising to the setting sun, in sum¬ mer's heat and winter's cold, to gain a paltry pittance ? And he will