THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS (IF ANV; OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLaN* WILL BE Ari'KCPlUATtl) TO THE FUND BUSED BY THE WELSH CALVI NIK HC METHODIST* FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MAKCHES OF WALES. No. II. JULY, lt>42. Price Id. POOR JACK.—A SAILOR BOY. Some months since, at a Bible Meeting, a person very decently dressed in black, came forward on the platform; and, after a very powerful appeal to the audience in favour of Bible Societies, he remark¬ ed, that a little boy in a sea-port town, some years since, had a most passionate and reprobate father, who was a sailor. One evening, the lad was sent to the pier to call Jus father, and finding him in a state of intoxi¬ cation, some conversation ensued. The father, enraged at a remark from the boy, raised his foot and kicked him from the edge of the pier, on which he was standing, into the sea. In a storm of passion the father/eeled to the public house. ] The night was ap]>roaching fast, the poor child was struggling with the waves, and nearly sinking, when a sloop-of-war's boat, going off to the ship, espied him, and providentially j saved him from a watery grave. The ship was under sailing orders, and weighed that night. Every atten¬ tion was paid by the seamen, to the lad; and next day, on hearing his simple but affecting tale,, they christened him " Poor Jack." The ship was going on a foreign station. J auk messed in the star¬ board bay, and soon became a very active, useful boy*; his natural good temper and smartness in duty pro¬ cured him many friends, *ad in a few years Jack was a favourite with all on board. Happily, in this ship, God had not left himself without a j witness; one or two men* were not j ashamed to read their Bibles, and I publicly owned their attachment to J a crucified Saviour. Poor Jack was j kindly noticed by them, and merci¬ fully awakened by divine grace. Several men had.died, and fresh drafts had often been received on board. Jack's history was now al¬ most forgotten, *-An action, was fought, and several men were killed and wounded. The latter, after being properly arranged in the sick bay, were often humanely visited by Jack. An old sailor in particular, who was badly wounded, and not expected to live, received much christian care from him. Every day increased Ms pain and his danger. In finding the current of life fast ebbing away, he became deeply con¬ cerned for his precious and immortal soul, and was often found bathed in tears on account of his sins. On these oqeasions J ack failed not to read the sacred Scriptures, and point'out such portions, as were most applicable to a sinner convinced of his guilt and danger, and anxious to flee from the wrath to come. The poor old sailor at length perceived. a ray of hope, *md was encouraged to take refuge in Him who died for the chief of sinners. A cloud of horror, nevertheless, s& orerwheliued him, that he could not firmly lay hold of the hope set before him, though he dared not altogether reject it. A few days before he died, Jack was standing by his hammock, when a sudden gush of tears, and a death¬ like howl, burst from the old man, and he faintly uttered, "Oh, I can¬ not be pardoned! No, no! I am, young man, I am a murderer! Oh,.