THE HOME MISSIONARY. THE PROFITS OF THE SALE OF THIS MISCELLANr WH-L BE APPROPRIATED TO THE FUND RAISED BV THE WELSH CALVINISTIC METHODISTS FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE GOSPEL IN THE MARCHES OF WALKS. No. 1. JUNE, 1842. Price Id. TO THE READERS. The Publisher having with many of his friends been for some time con¬ vinced of the want of a small Periodi¬ cal, cheap enough to be easily pro¬ cured, and yet sufficiently full to be useful to those resident in theMarches of Wales, and having waited in vain for some one more competent to undertake the task, ventures in his humble manner to supply the de¬ ficiency—hoping that his attempt will meet with the approval of his Brethren, and especially that it will be owned by the Almighty. The Publisher thinks he can candidly say that he aims rather to furnish a useful Work than to claim credit for originality—indeed did he not confidently expect the co-operation of the friends of religion he would be at once disheartened. He wishes to express his thanks to several friends in theFlintshire Branch of the Marches of Wales who have kindly favoured him with an assurance of their support, and he respectfully in¬ forms the Ministers, Teachers, and Friends, labouring in the Mont¬ gomeryshire Branch that he is anxi¬ ous they should distinctly under¬ stand that the columns of " The Home Missionary " will at all times be at their service—in short that it is intended as a medium for the pro¬ motion of the cause of God in both Branches of the Marches of Wales as connected with the Welsh Cal- vinistic Methodists. Much might be said of the success which has at¬ tended the attempts of this Con¬ nexion in this important field, but we sum up all by saying—" The Lord hath done great things for us whereof we are glad. ". Since the profits (if any) of the sale of this Miscellany will be appropriated to an object so worthy, the Publisher hopes that the Christian public ge¬ nerally will deem it worthy their pa¬ tronage and support. The Publisher requests all Agents for the sale of this work to inform him in about a fortnight hence how many they are likely to require monthly, in order that he might have some idea as to what number to print. —The future numbers will appear on the first dav in each month. A BRIEF MEMOTR Of Jemima, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Garner, of the Two Mills, in the Hundred of tVirral, Cheshire, who died a consistent Member of the Connexion of Calvinistic Me¬ thodists. ' The memory of the just is Blessed.' The life and walk of a private Chris¬ tian is oftentimes replete with various experiences of the love of God ; and every exhibition of the power and efficacy of pure and undefiled re¬ ligion, whether in the old or young Christian, proclaims the blessedness and peace of such as have made the God of Jacob their trust. Under the impression that we are render¬ ing a serviee to the Christian reader, we will humbly submit a few notiees of the life, faith, and hope of Jemi¬ ma Garner, our esteemed departed friend:— She was born on the 27th of Feb.,