THE HOME MISSIONARY ; DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS THE CAUSE OF CHRIST, THE MARCHES OF WALES COMPILED BY JOHN JONES. " That repentance and remission of sins should he preached in his name among all nations, heginning at Jerusalem."—-Luke xxrv. 47. VOL. I. CHESTER: Sold by the Publisher; Messrs. Parry and Son, Booksellers; also by Mr. Hughes, Bookseller, Wrexham ; the Rev. R. Williams, Groes Lloyd, Montgomeryshire; Mr. Jos. Williams, 10, Prince Edwin Terrace, Everton, Liverpool; Messrs. H. and O. Jones, Printers, Mold; Mr. Evans, Bookseller, Holywell; Mr. D. Evans, Draper, Bala, &c. &c. 1843.