OF THE NEWPORT ATHEEMM AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. THE INSTITUTE WAS ESTABLISHED EST 1841, FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE .AMONGST ITS MEMBERS; AND WAS ADMITTED INTO UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, 18th AUGUST, 1852. Vol. 3—No. 26. FEBRUAKY, 1866. Gratis to Members' TO ADVERTISERS. The " Monthly Journal" is strongly recommended to Adver¬ tisers as a medium for publishing their announcements. The guaranteed circulation is 1000 per issue, of which large numbers it is believed are regularly filed by Members of the Newport Athenaeum. Orders for Advertisements to appear in the ensuing number of the " Monthly Journal" should be sent to the Secretaries, or to the advertising Asrent, Mr. E. M. Mingay, South Wales Railway Station, not later than the 20th of each month. SCAIJS O* CHARGES. Two Shillings for every inch of space ; or One Shilling and Six¬ pence if continued for three consecutive months. STJI lim AID LIFE OFFICES. Second Equitable Permanent Benefit Building Society of Bridgwater. ESTABLISHED 1852. The above Society still continues to make advances on Freehold and Leasehold Properties, and are now charging abcnt 4J per cent. Principal and Interest repayable by equal quarterly instal¬ ments. Full particulars furnished on application to the Agent for this district, CHAS, CULLUM, 19, Stow-Hill, (opposite the British Schoolt) E. PALMEE & SON, WHOLESALE STATJMERS, PAPEE BAG- MAIUFACTURERS, HjSL .A. C .H I IT B K. TT L E Tt S _ E N Q il A V B K S , &C, Old "Merlin" Office, C0HK-STREET, HEWPORT, M0H* ESTABLISHED 1844. MATTHEW JOHNS, Coal Merchant, Corporation Wharf, Newport. The best Mynyddsylwyn Red Ash Coal delivered to Newport or the Yicinity at reasonable prices. Agent to the Scottish National Life Insurance Society, The Alliance Fire Insurance Society, and The Accidental and Marine Insurance Corporation. V. R. SCIENCE AND ART CLASSES, In connection with the Science and Art Department of the Committee of Council on Education. THE FOLLOWING CLASSES ARE ESTABLISH SD AT THE NEWPORT ATHEN/EUM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE:- I. MeCHANIGAL AHfi MaGHIFB DRAWING. keasuratiai^Euelia^Algebra—Plane Trigonometry —Use of Logarithms. Pull particulars on application to the Secretaries. (See Page 13.) TEBMS :—6/- per Quarter, in advance. TEACHER :—Mr. J. BUSH, (holder of 7 Teacher's Certificate* asd 6 Medal*. III. Navigation:— Elementary Principles, &c. IV. Feeehand—Drawing :— Geometry—Perspective, &c.