NEWPORT ATHEMJM AND MECHANICS' HSTTTOTE. OF THE THE INSTITUTE WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1841, FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE AMONGST ITS MEMBERS; AND WAS ADMITTED INTO UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, 18th AUGUST, 1852. Vol. 2—No. 22. OCTOBEK, 1865. Gratis to Members. TO ADVEETISEES. The " Monthly Journal" is strongly recommended to Adver¬ tisers as a medium for publishing their announcements. The guaranteed circulation is 1000 per issue, of which large numbers it is believed are regularly riled by Members of the Newport Athenaeum. Orders for Advertisements to appear in the ensuing number of the " Monthly Journal" should be sent to the Secretaries, or to the advertising Agent, Mr. E. M. Mingay, South Wales Railway Station, not later than the 20th of each month. SCALE OP CHABGE8. Two Shillings for every inch of space ; or One Shilling and Six¬ pence if continued for three consecutive months. PAPER BAGS AT BRISTOL PRICES ! MAX BE OBTAIMBD AT E. Palmer & Son's PAPER BAG WAREHOUSE. BVEEY DESCRIPTION 03? PRIMTIBJG EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. ADBE1SS :— (OLD "MEBLI3ST" OFFICE,) CORN-STREET, NEWPORT, MON FOR PURE COD LITER OIL GOTO J. SUMPTION JONES, CHEMIST <5c DRUGGIST, 127, COMMEBCIAL-STZEET, NEWPOET. PEICE .—2/8 PER PINT (BOTTLE INCLUDED). BRANCH POST OFFICE, 82, COMMEECIAL STREET, NEWPORT. W. W. LODER. Has just added to h^s Extensive Stock a Choice Selection of PAPER HANGINGS OP NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGN. Book Parcels from London Daily. A Large Stook of Useful and Fancy Stationery. Orders or Boobs, Periodicals, and Newspapers, punctually attended to. JOSEPH GOULD, COMMEBCIAL-STBEET, NEWPOBT, Mori., GAS ENGINEER, BRASS POUNDER, AND FINISHER. Manufacturer of Lamps, Chandeliers, and Gas Fittings of every description ; also, Desk, Picture, Window, and other Rails ; Brass Plates, &c, for Shop Fronts. Brass, Copper, and Lead Tubing ; Wrought Iron Tubes and Fittings, for Gas, Steam, &c. MANUFACTURER TO THE TRADE. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES ■FURNISHED. GAS COOKING STOVES. ATMOSPHERIC BELLS. Second Equitable Permanent Benefit Building Society of Bridgwater. ESTABLISHED 1852. The above Society still continues to make advances on Freehold and Leasehold Properties, and are now charging about 4 J per cent. Principal and Interest repayable by equal quarterly instal¬ ments. Full particulars furnished on application to the Agent for this district, CHAS. CVLLJJM, 19, Stoic-Hill, (opposite the British Schools). STJI EIBE AID LIEE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED 1710. Agent for Newport and district, CHARLES CULLUI, (Opposite the British Schools), 19, Stow-Hill. Newport Pottery Works, Monmouthshire. Manufacturer of all kinds of BUILDING MATERIALS, BRICKS, SANI¬ TARY PIPES, TILES, LAND DRAIN PIPES, Terra Cotta, Flue Linings, Oven. Squares, Ridges MALT KILN TILES, ROCKINGHAM & DRAB WARE. Ordinary Bed Ware. The Improved Vitrified Stone Ware Spirit Jars and Porter Bottles, warranted not to absorb. All Accounts due to the late Newport Pottery Company, are to be made payable to W. J. Williams. Scott's Circular and Commercial Journal. 48 Columns, Price Two Pence, published on the 1st of every month. Its distinguishing feature is a series of able Articles on topics of local and commercial interest. It also contains the usu¬ al selected local and general news, and a contribution by our Literary Lounger. Offices, Dock-st., Newport, Mon., and 1, Cax- ton Place, Newport, Mon,—Advertisements to be addressed to Mr. M. O. SCOTT, Dock Street, Newport, Mon.