OF THE NEWPORT ATHEMEUM AND MEOHAMOS' INSTITUTE. THE INSTITUTE WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1841, FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE AMONGST ITS MEMBERS; AND WAS ADMITTED TNTO UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, 18th AUGUST, 1852. Vol. 2—No. 19. JULY, 1865. Gratis to Members. TO ADVEKTISEKS. The " Monthly Journal" is strongly recommended to Adver¬ tisers as a medium for publishing their announcements. * The guaranteed circulation is 1000 per issue, of which large numbers it is believed are regularly filed by Members of the Newport Athenaeum. Orders for Advertisements to appear in the ensuing number of the " Monthly Journal" should be sent to the Secretaries, or to the advertising Agent, Mr. E. M. Mingay, South Wales Railway Station, not later than the 20th of each month. SCAIJB OF CHAEGES. Two Shillings for every inch of space ; or One Shilling and Six¬ pence if continued for three consecutive months. WANTED, a CURATOR, for the Newport Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute. Apply, by letter only, to the Secretaries. THE UNRIVALLED FOUR AND SIXPENNY Ladies Spring Side Boot, to be had only at CAMPBELL & CO'S, 154. COMMERCIAL STBEET. MATTHEW JOHNS, (Late Secretary to the Newport Athenaeum.) COAL AND CORN MERCHANT, CORPORATION WHARF, SCREW PACKET BO AD, NEWPORT. The Best Mynyddyslwyn Red Ash Coal delivered to any part of Newport at the following prices, viz.: Large Screened Hand-Picked Coal............ 13s. Od. per ton Large Coal (as received from Collieries) ...... 12s. Od. „ Brush Coal (thro'and thro') ............... lis. Od. „ Orders received at No. 8, Morgan-street. Park Place, and 81, Commercial-street. Sole Consignee of the Apps Brewery Co's celebrated BidefordAles for Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, and South Wales. Hoixoway's Oiktmeitt ajtd Pii&s.—OW Sores, Wound*, <$■ Ulcers It is surprising how quickly any sore, ulcer, or wound, drains away the body s strength, and-unfits it for the duties of life; it is no less wonderful to watch how these topical afflictions improve on the application of Holloway's healing Ointment. It has achieved the surest.and most glorious triumphs over bad legs, fourulcerations, and knotted veins, which had confounded the faculty, and well-nigh worn ouftirair victims. It creates sound flesh, and therefore make's its cures complete. When this Oint¬ ment is properly applied, and assisted by appropriate doses of the Pills, the pain,' inflammation, and other morbid manifestations soon disappear from the affected part, and health and strength return. Newport Athenaeum & Mechanics' Institute NOTIC^ls^HEEEFFGIVENrTHAT AN ADJOURNED SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING Of the Members of the above Institute, will be held in the Beading-Room, Dock-street, on Tuesday Evening, July 4th, 1865, at Eight o'clock, precisely, for the fol¬ lowing purposes :— 1.—To consider certain Propositions for Altering the Rules. 2.—To take into consideration certain Proceedings con¬ nected with the last Election of Officers. 3.—To discuss the present state of the Institute. N.B.—Particulars of the proposed Alterations may be seen at the Reading-Rooms of the Institute, ^Dock-Btreet, and 139, Commercial-road. ggg" Tickets of Membership to be produced, if required, WM. WADE, •) „ H. L. DAW, i HoN- Secs- _________________________A. STOREHOUSE, Secretary. E. PALMER & S0N~ Printers, Lithographers, Engravers, &c, OLD "MEBLIN" OFFICE, AN APPRENTICE WANTED TO THE PRINTING. JOB THOMAS, STEAM MAKBLE, SLATE, STONE, & SCULPTUKE WOKKS, NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE, Begs to call the attention of his Friends, Architects, Builders, and others, to his extensive Stock of Marble, Enamelled, and Plain Slate CHIMNEY PIECES. Marble Chimney Pieces, from ... 20s. Od. and upwards. Enamelled ditto, „ ... 16s. Od. Plain Slate ditto ,, Bath Stone ditto 5s. Od. 6s. Od, Flooring, Slate, and Earth Slabs; Slate Cisterns, from s. cubic foot and upwards; "Water Tanks, Baths, &c. Marble Table Tops, Billiard and Bagatelle Beds, and every description of Architectural Masonry, both Plain and Orna¬ mental, executed on moderate terms. A stock of the above con¬ stantly kept on*hand for inspection. Discount allowed to tha trade. Roman and Portland Cements, Plaster of Paris, &c. Agent for Tessellated Pavemsnts, Doulton and Company's Terra Cotta Chimney Pots, and Glazed Drain Pipes. Designs for Monuments, Chimney Pieces, &e., seat on application.