OF THE I OTENMJM AM) MECHAOTGS' INSTITUTE. SOar WAS %BTA£SISfiia> IN 18*1;;FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE AMONGST ITS l&Sj ANfiWAS AJDMETTED INTO UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, 18th AUGUST, 1862. TOL. 2^0. IT. MAY, 1865. Gratis to Members. MWEBH$£EMJBm!8. TJie" Monthly Jonmal" is,rtro^]yrree0mmended to Adver, tisers as a medium for publishing their announcements.. The guaranteed circulation is 1000 per issue, of which large numbers it is behoved are> regularly filed by'Members of the Newport Athenteum. Orders for Advertisements to appear-in the ensuing number of the:" Monthly Journal" should be sent to the Secretaries, or to the advertising Agent, Mr. E. M. Mingay, South Wales Railway Station, not later than the 20th of each month. SCALE OP CHARGES. Two Shillings for every inch of space; or One Shilling and Six- peace if continued for three consecutive months. E. PALMER & SON, beg to call the attention of the Public to the great -facilities they have for executing in the best style and with despatch, every description of Letter Press and Copper Plate Printing, Lithography, Chromo-Lithographg, Engraving * Machine Ruling, Perforating, Sfc, on the most rea¬ sonable terms, at their Establishment, GOKN STKBST, NEWPORT, MON. MO- AM" APPEEMTICE 'WAJSrTED. EVERYBODY MYS FOR THE NICEST, BEST/AND CHEAPEST ■CAKES,: YOtT SHOTTLD GO TO 83, COMMgRGIAfc-ST., & W, HI^H-ST. JTHE UNRIVALLED FOOR AND SIXPENNY Ladies :Spring Bide Boot, to be had -c.;- a\. ... ■, only *t ; Cr^M^BEli.L & €Ot' S, 154, C&temSRCIAX* STBEBT. MATTHEW JOHNS, (Late Sicretary to ih* Newport Athenaum.) COAL AND CORN MERCHANT, CORPORATION WHARF, SCREW PACKET ROAD, 1ST E "W T* CXB, T - The Best Mynyddyslwyn Red Ash Coal delivered to any part of Newport at the following prices, viz.: Large Sereeaed-Hand-Picked Coal............ 13s. Od. per ton Large Coal (as received from Collieries) Brush Coal (thro' and thro') ........ 12s. Od. lis. Od. Orders received at No. 8, Morgan-street. Park Place, and 81, .Commercial-street. Sole Consignee of the Apps Brewery Go's celebrated BidefordAles for Monmouthshire, Herefordshire, and South Wales. EDWARD JENKINS, FAMILY GROCER AND BAKER, 12, Lower George Street, Newport, Mori. P U R E HOME-MADE BREAD Delivered daily to any part of the Town. Orders may be given at No. 6, Morgan St., Park Square IsrOTICE. THE LIBRARY is Now Open on TUESDAY AFTERNOONS from rOne to Three o'clock. By order of the Directors, WILLIAM WADE, 1 R _ • H.L.DAW, 5 ' ALFRED ST0NEHQUSE, Secretary. NOW READY, THE EERST YOMJME OF THE •MONTHLY tfOTJ&.TSTA.Tj/ Neatly.Bound, Price 1/6 Members desirous of completing their sets of the Journal for a the Year 1864, may obtain hack numbers at One Penny each npon ^application to the Curator or Secretaries—a small number only being in hand, an early application will be necessary.'