OF THE NEWPORT ATHENMJM AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. THE INSTITUTE WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1841, FOR THE DIFFUSION OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE .AMONGST ITS MEMBERS; AND WAS ADMITTED INTO UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, 18th AUGUST, 1852. Vol. 2—No. 16. APEIL, 1865. Gratis to Members. ADYEETISEMENTS. The "Monthly Journal" is strongly recommended to Adver¬ tisers as a medium for publishing their announcements. The guaranteed circulation is 1000 per issue, of which large numbers it is believed are regularly filed by Members of the Newport Athenaeum. Orders for Advertisements to appear in the ensuing number of the " Monthly Journal" should be sent to the Secretaries, or to the advertising Agent, Mr. E. M. Mingay, South Wales Railway Station, not later than the 20th of each month. SCALE OF CHARGES. Two Shillings for every inch of space; or One Shilling and Six¬ pence if continued for three consecutive months. E. PALMER & SON, beg to call the attention of the Public to the gkeat facilities they have for executing in the best style and with despatch, every description of Letter Press and Copper Plate Printing, Lithography, Chromo-Lithography, Engraving, Machine Ruling, Perforating, tyc, on the most rea¬ sonable terms, at their Establishment, CORN STEEET, NEWPOET, MON. «S~ AN APPRENTICE "WANTED. EVERYBODY SAYS FOR THE NICEST, BEST, AND CHEAPEST CAKES, YOU SHOULD GO TO BLAND'S, 33, COMMERCIAL-ST., & 17, HIGH-ST. EDWARD JENKINS, FAMILY GROCER AND BAKER, 12, Lower George Street, Newport, Mon. PURE HOME-MADE BREAD gg Delivered daily to any-' part of the Town, Orders may be given at No. 6, Morgan Bt., Park Square THE UNRIVALLED FOUR AND SIXPENNY Ladies Spring Side Boot, to be had only at CAMPBELL & CO'S, __________154. COMMERCIAL STBEET. pwpri $%ran & <§tttym$ Institute. 3STOTICE. HPHE LIBRARY is Now Open on x TUESDAY AFTERNOONS from One to Three o'clock. By order of the Directors, WILLIAM WADE, 7 „ LEWIS L. MOERIS, jHoN' Secs- MATTHEW JOHNS, Secretaiy. NEWPORT ATHENAEUM AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. NOTICE. THE TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING Of the Members of this Institute Will be held On THTTKSDAY EVENING, APEIIi 20, 1865, At the ATHEN2EUM, DOCK STEEET, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK PRECISELY, To receive the Report of the Directors for the past year, and the Scrutineer's Report of Officers elected for the ensuing year. By order of the Directors, WILLIAM WADE, \ -_ - LEWIS L. MOBMIS.) Uon' *—' MATTHEW JOHNS, Sec. Annual Half-yearly, and Quarterly Subscriptions, mil become due on the 20th inst. THE FOLLOWING NEWSPAPERS ARE FOR SALE :— The Hereford Times The Bristol Mercury Mark Lane Express Shipping Gazette... Weekly ... Daily. For terms, &c, apply to the Curator or Secretaries.