itot PmttMg OF THE NEWPOBT ATHEMffl AND MECHANICS' INSTITUTE THE mSTTTDTi WAS BSTABUBHED IN 1841, FOR THE DIFFUSiON OFUSEFUL KNOWLEDGE AMONGST ITS MEMBERS j AND WAS ADMITTED INTO UNION WITH THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, 18nr AUGUST, 1852. Vol. 2—rNo. 13. JANTJABY, 1865. Gratis to Members. ADVEKTISEMENTS. The " Monthly Journal" is strongly recommended to Adver¬ tisers as a medium for publishing their announcements. The guaranteed circulation is 1000 per issue, of which large numbers it is believed are regularly filed by Members of the Newport Athenwim. Orders for Advertisements to appear in the ensuing number of the " Monthly Journal" should be sent to the Secretaries, or to the advertising Agent, Mr.E. M. Mingay, South Wales Railway Station, not later than the 20th of each month. SCALE OF OHAEGES. Two Shillings for every inch of space j or One Shilling and Six¬ pence if continued for three consecutive months. PILLGWENLLY f|>HE above Entertainments will be continued at the Temple 1 Street School Room, Pillgwenlly, on Wednesday «venings, January 4th & 18th. Admission, Id.; Reserved Seats, 6d, MBS" No Chang* given at th» Door. NOW READY, THE FIRST VOLUME OF THE «MONTHLTT JOXTJRIjTA.Ij,5' Neatly Bound, Price 1/6 Members desirous of completing their sets of the Journal for the Year 1864, may obtain back numbers at One Penny each upon application to the Curator or Secretaries—a small number only being in hand, an early application will be necessary. SUN FIRE OFFICE, LONDON. ESTABLISHED 1710. Duly Paid to Government in 1863. £215,507. All Kind of Insurances Effected. Duty on Stock in-Trade Reduced to 1/6 per Cent. ! Farming Stock Insured at C/- per Cent. Reduced Premiums on Common Insurances for Small Amounts. No Charge for Policy when Premium is 4/-., if under, then only The Government Stamp. .1/-., is Charged. SUN LIFE ASSUKANCE OFFICE. Policies Effected in this Old-Established Office before Mid- summer, 1865, will participate in Profits at next Division. SECOND EQUITABLE PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED AT BRIDGEWATER 1852. Loans Advanced on Freehold and Leasehold Property at 5 per Cent. For fwrther Particulars apply to the Agent, of this District CHABLES CULLUM, Stow Hill, (Opposite the British Schools.) EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Letter-press, Copper-plate, & Lithographic PRINTING, NEATLY EXECUTED AT E. PALMER & SON'S PEIHTIHG OFFICES, CORN STREET, NEWPOET, MON. A3ff APPRlflTTICE -WANTED. Town Hall, Newport. Will take place during the present Month as follows:— Tuesday Evening, 10th January. », . 24th „ Further particulars will be duly announced. EDWAED JENKINS, FAMILY GROCER AND BAKER, 12, Lower <<Greorge Street, Newport, Mon. PURE HOME-MADE BREAD Delivered daily to any part of the Town. Orders may be given at No. 6, Morgan St., Park Square BUY OF THE MAKER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTOBY, 124, Commercial St., Newport, Mon. i 'ou JAMES HOBNEF, Proprietor.