fat JtatMg Jmtipl OF THE NEWPORT ATHEMJM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The Institute was Established in 1841, for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge amongst its Member6; and was admitted into union with the Society of Arts, V$th of August, 1852. Vol. 1—No. 11. NOVEMBEB, 1864. Gratis to Members. NEWPORT, NOVEMBER 1, 1864. It has recently been proposed to the Directors of the Newport Athenaeum to take the necessary steps for the formation of a Local Board of Examiners in this town, in connection with the Society of Arts. The proposal is one that de¬ mands attention, and we are assured that the Directors will be quite prepared to proceed in the matter, when a sufficient number of mem¬ bers have signified their desire to become can¬ didates at the approaching Examination. The Society of Arts was founded in 1754, for "The Encouragement of the Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce of the Country, by bestowing rewards for such productions, inventions, or improve¬ ments as tend to the employment of the poor, to the increase of trade, and to the riches and honour of the kingdom; and for meritorious works in the various departments of the Fine Arts; for Discoveries, Inventions, and Improve¬ ments in Agriculture, Chemistry, Mechanics, Manufactures, and other useful Arts; for the application of such natural and artificial pro¬ ducts, whether of Home, Colonial, or Foreign growth and manufacture, as may appear likely to afford fresh objects of industry, and to in¬ crease the trade of the realm by extending the sphere of British Commerce; and generally to assist in the advancement, development, and practical application of every department of science in connection with the Arts, Manufac¬ tures, and Commerce of this country." Yearly examinations of candidates in the different departments of Science and Art are held, and to distribute the benefits derivable from these examinations to all parts of the country— to spread them abroad as equally as possible for the advantage of the provinces as well as for the metropolis, the Society facilitates the formation of Local Boards of Examiners wher¬ ever the managers of Institutions may be pre¬ pared to co-operate. These Boards hold Ex¬ aminations and acting by clearly defined rules, fix the merit of each . candidate and submit the result to the parent Institution, when the prizes are awarded, consisting, one of twenty five guineas presented by His Royal Highness the late President of the Society, to the candidate who, obtaining a certificate of the first class in the current year, shall have obtained in that year and the three years immediately preceding it, the greatest number of certificates; thirty- two prizes of £5 each ; thirty-two prizes of £3 each; five sets of prizes consisting of books, value £1 each; five prizes of £2 each; and five prizes given by different gentlemen. If a suffi¬ cient number of names are obtained, the Direc¬ tors of the Newport Athenaeum will take the proper steps towards the formation of the de¬ sired Local Board, and for that purpose candi¬ dates should communicate with the Secretaries at once. It may be stated for the information of such as feel interested in the subject that Members of the Newport Athenaeum may un¬ dergo the examination without any cost to themselves, and that the competition is open to ladies as well as gentlemen. It may also be well to explain here, that in order to form a Local Board, the names of candidates who are preparing themselves for examination, and the subjects chosen, must be submitted to the parent Institution, the Society of Arts, before the 15th December next, and therefore it may be neces¬ sary to remind those of our readers who feel in¬ terested in the matter, that there must be but little delay before their names are given in, and the necessary arrangements made. The next Preliminary Examinations take place on the 28th February, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd March, 1865, and the final examination on the 25th 26th, 27th, and 28th April, 1865. In taking leave, for the present, of this subject, we have only to express our hope that this important