gftefJflmtiMg ^mxml OF THE NEWPORT AIHEMUM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The Institute was Established in 1841, for the diffusion of'Useful Knowledge amongst its Members ,* and was admitted into union with the Society of Arts, 18th of August, 1852. Vol. 1.—No. 6. JUNE, 1864. Gratis to Members. NEWPORT, JUNE 1, 1864. In our last number, we published the annual report of the Athenasum for the year recently closed ; and our readers, doubtless, joined in the gratification felt by the directors in presenting so satisfactory an account of the results of their management during that period. We propose dow to make a few observations on two or three subjects comprised in the report. With regard to finance, the balance shown in favor of the Institution was but small, and even that balance was met by liabilities to an equal amount. Looking at this, a casual reader may have thought the congratulatory tone of the report somewhat exaggerated ; but bearing in mind that not seldom has it been the experience of the managers to find themselves burdened with an incubus of debt, and that although during the past year the various agencies of the Institute were in full work, the Directors found themselves at its close free from pecuniary embarrassment, and able with cheerfulness to anticipate the future,—considering these things it will be admitted that the language of the report is not inappropriate. There was a falling off in the yearly members in comparison with the preceding year. This circumstance is not easy to account for, and is always to be regretted : and we trust that the year upon which we have entered will witness a great change for the better in this respect. To this end, we would ask those friends who so kindly undertake the sale of tickets to endeavor to prevail upon all intending members now, at the opening of the year, to purchase yearly ones. The outlay is a mere trifle, whereas if the request were generally complied with, the income would be placed at the outset in a healthy condition, and rendered secure against the fluctuation which too often impedes the development of the Institution. Under the head of Classes, the directors once more utter the oft-repeated regret at the want of interest shown by the members. We believe the Newport Athenjsum is not singular in its lack of success in this department. We rejoice that the present Elocution and Discussion Class has not shared the fate of its predecessors. The report of this class, which we insert in another column, shews that during its recent session its proceedings were conducted with much rigour, and were productive of the most beneficial results. Heartily do we hope that the class may permanently form a part of our Institute, and flourish more and more in every successive season. The PiUgwenlly Branch Reading Room and the motives and inducements which led to its establishment have before occupied our pages. It is now & fait accompli, and many of the in¬ habitants have become subscribers, and are well pleased with the advantages thus afforded them. We may, however, be permitted -to remind our Pill friends that the room was established in the interests of their own locality, and we trust that they will personally interest themselves in ob¬ taining for it the support of their neighbours who have not already taken tickets. This Branch is an experiment, and whether it is to be a successful one, or otherwise, will depend upon the community for whose benefit and "con¬ venience it was projected. Passing to the Library, we find it stated that this consists of no less than 3.€99 volumes ; and a glance at the catalogue will show that every department of literature is well represented in this large collection of books, which is capable of furnishing reading suitable to every variety of taste. The sum laid out for new books in the past year may appear small, and indeed the directors express a hope to be able in this the current year to spend a larger sum. We need hardly say that the extent of the outlay must depend on the pecuniary abilities of the Institute, and here we have an additional motive to exertion in gaining new members. We do not propose, however, to go in detail through all the points embraced within the annual report. It will have been noted that thfc