% Jtftmtat OF THE NEWPOET ATIEMUM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The Institute was Established in 1841, for the diffusion oftfsef'id Knoivledge amongst its Members } and was admitted into union with the Society of Arts, 18th of August, 1852. Vol. l.—No. 5. MAY, 1864. Gratis to Members. NEWPORT, MAY 1, 1364. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NEWPORT ATHEMJUM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The annual meeting of the Newport Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute was held at the Com¬ mittee Room of the Institution, on Wednesday evening, the 20th ultimo ; Mr. John Wood, one of the Vice-Presidents, in the chair. The Chairman opened the meeting by reading the following list of officers for the ensuing year, which was agreed to in its entirety :— Officers for the ensuing year. PRESIDENT. W. W. Morgan, Esq., M.D., Mayor of Newport. VICE PRESIDENTS. Sir T. Phillips, F.G.S. Mr. John Wood. The Rev. S. Fox. The Rev. J. W. Lance. HONORARY SECRETARIES. Mr. William Wade. | Mr. L. L. Morris. HONORARY LIBRARIANS. Mr. J. M. Rennie. „ E. Ireland. '. TREASURERS. The West of England and South Wales District Bank. Mr. E. M. Mingay. „ Edwin Moxley. Mr. John Cole. AUDITORS. I Mr. R. G. Cullum. CO DIRECTORS. Mr. E. Palmer. ' „ J. 0. Garrett. „ E. H. Lewis. „ J.F.Fawckner „ M. 0. Scott. „ Samuel Smith. „ Jas. Graham, junr. „ Alfred Stone- house. ,, W.W.Dawson The Rev. P. W. Darnton, B.A. Mr. T. Richards, junr. „ W. F. Jones. „ C. J. Thomas. „ W.N.Johns. „ H. L. Daw. „ J. R. Thomas. „ T.H.Howell. „ James Smith. MATTHEW JOHNS, Secretary. The report of the directors, as follows, was then read :-— Newport Athenaeum & Mechanics* Institute. The Twenty-third Annual Report, Presented to the Members, 20th April, 1864. In laying before them another annual report, the directors are pleased to be able to address the members in the language of congratulation. The twenty-third year of the existence of the Newport Athenaeum has just expired, and it is a source of extreme satisfaction to your directors that they are enabled to say that the Institute has during that year shown no signs of retro¬ gression, but on the contrary its course has been marked by progress and increased efficiency. The number of members has considerably increased—a fact which would seem to indicate that the benefits of the Institute begin to be more widely recognised and appreciated. On reference to the subjoined cash account, it will be perceived that the financial position of the Institute is favorable, and that, too, notwith¬ standing a considerable outlay Upon theAthenseum premises. It has been usual to charge expenses of this character to the Building Fund, but looking at the gratifying condition of the revenue, and being exceedingly unwilling to cause a larger deficiency in that fund, your directors sanctioned the outlay referred to, out of current income. It will be remembered that 12 months ago, the deficit in the Building Fund was stated at nearly £30. Since then, by the exertions of one of your directors, it has been somewhat reduced, and the directors earnestly trust that the friends of the Institute will, in the coming year, enable them to" completely liquidate the remaining balance. The past year has been distinguished by an event altogether unprecedented in the history of the Institute, namely, the establishment of the " Monthly Journal." Publications of*this nature have long existed in connection with kindred