OP THE NEWPORT ATHENMM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The Institute was Established in 1841, for thediff'usionof'Useful Knowledgei amongst-its Members ; and wjls admitted into union with the Society of Arts lHth of August, 1852* Vol. 1.—No. 4. APRIL, 18G4. Gratis to Members. NEWPORT, APRIL 1, 18G4. The question of a Branch Reading Room at Pillgwenlly was introduce I sometime back, and subsequently followed up by being uis.usse l at a full meeting of the Directors. Its im| ortarice was acknowledged, and a sub-committee ap¬ pointed to report on the practicability of carry¬ ing it out ; but seeing that no Institution sup¬ pose i by voluntary subscriptions, could by any possibility exist without the countenance of the persons for whose benefit it was establishe •, the sub-committee very properly recomme:i< ed the Directors to call a public meeting in Pillgwen ly proper, in order to ascertain the feeling of the inhabitants. This recommendation was adopted and the meeting took p'acc on Tuesday, the 22nd inst., the Rev. Samuel Fox, Incumbent of Trinity Church, in the chair, supported on the right'au'l left, by Mr. Chambers and Mr. James Sanders ; and, we are glad to say, several of V e lending inhabitants of Pillgwenlly were also present. The Rev. Chairman o]x:ned the proceedings in a business-like manner, and con¬ cluded a very able address by inviting those present to give the meeting the benefit of their views. Mr. Sanders,'~Mr. Ballard, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Pr'ewett, Mr.Tverslakc, the Rev Isaac White, Mr.'M. 0. Scott, Mr. Stonchou^e, Mr. John Thomas, Mr. Parfitt, Mr. Daw, and other gentle¬ men all spoke in favor of the. Reading Room being opened. Some dozen gentlemen expressed their willingness to guarantee the Institution against loss to the extent of one sovereign each, and Mr. Ballard offered to become guarantee, jointly with twenty others, against any loss the Institution might sustain during the first half- year's trial of the scheme. Resolutions appro¬ ving the project, and plelging the meeting to do all in their power to carry it out, were after¬ wards passed, and before the meeting separated some twenty-five persons signed then* names to a list of gentlemen willing to become numbers of the Pillgwenlly Branch Reading Room. As far then as the proceedings at the meeting were concerned, they were such as to leave no doubt on the minds of the Directors as to the existence of a strong feeling amongst the inhabi¬ tants of Pillgwenlly in favor of the Reading I Room being opened forthwith. It is needless ! here to refer to the benefits conferred by Read- j ing Rooms generally, or to tell the readers of i the Journal that the great necessities of the day are extended information, and practical every J day knowledge. Such boons—nay, su<-h neees- , sities as these are admitted to be, are readily and cheaply attainable by co-operation in its \ widest interpretation, as carried out by I Mechanic's Institutes, and if this be the case, , there is ground for astonishment that Pillgwenlly, a district of itself, a busy hive of industrious, I intelligent, and hard-worked men, should sd • long have been deprived of the advantages now ; obtainable in almost every English fifth-rate ; country town. It is for Pillgwenlly to come ; forward on this occasion. If the Reading Room ; is not desired, they need not support the move- | ment, which will certainly without that support, I speedily fall to the ground. If, however, it is. ; felt to be desirable, that it is a want which !• should be supplied, then let the tradesmen and I mechanics and others resident in the district i come forward in the manner those whom avc ! have instanced have done, namely, either to j guarantee the Institute against loss, or to sign | the list of members. This is what the Dirertoj s i seek—a full and satisfactory expression of public opinion ; for without it they would be utterly unable to advance one step in a line of tondu t that might possibly involve the Athenaeum in endless expense and outlay, and even then, fail to secure that support which would be necessary to its existence. We may briefly announce that since the above article was in type, the Directors of the Athenaeum have decid dtS open a Bianch Reading Room at Pillgwenlly on or before the 20th April next.