OF THE NEWPORT ATHEMUM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The Institute was Established in 1841, for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge amongst its Members ; and was admitted into union with the. Society of Arts 18tk-of August, 1852. Vol. 1.—No. 2. FEBRUARY, 1864.. Gkatis to Members. NEWPORT, FEBRUARY 1, 1864. The joy which pervaded the nation upon the news of the birth of a son to England's heir- apparent will be re-echoed throughout the world, wherever the name of the British Queen is known and loved. The event is perhaps the more pleasing because it recalls to our minds events of sorrow and melancholy. It is the dark shades of a picture that give prominence and beauty to the lighter parts, and so by contrast the event which we are now considering will appear more joyful. Who can fail to recall the absorbing grief of our Sovereign little more than two years ago, when laid prostrate by the loss of him who had been to her a beloved Consort,- and a faithful coun¬ sellor. ? It was then feared by many that the Q ueen had finished her public work, and that henceforth her life would be bound up in grief. But now we may believe that the birth of. a son to the Prince of Wales—the representative of her noble House in future days—will bind up her wounds, and in no small degree tend to restore her to her people. The event recalls another melancholy page in the history of our country—a period which many now only in the prime of life can remember— when the expeatations of the nation Avere raised for a moment, only to be terribly disappointed, —when root and branch were consigned at once to the tomb, and universal sorrow spread through¬ out the land. Concerning the Prince of Wales, it has been truly, said that he is the first of the House of Hanover who,has borne that title without bringing grief upon his, royal house. We have no -wish to dwell upon the life of the former Prince of Wales, nor to contrast the happy union, of the>present'Prince, with the unhappy scenes to which the nation was so familiar, and in which the people took so promi¬ nent a part, in the life. of the former Prince, but we have every reason to believe that the training and example of the late Prince Consort will be abundantly blessed, and exhibited in the career of his son. In the birth of the royal infant aiFrogmore, we see the prospect of a line of kings in connec¬ tion with that of our beloved Queen. There is, after.au, something more than imagi¬ nation in the idea of property and titles descend¬ ing from father to son, and in the case .of the Throne, it is of the utmost importance that the- law of succession should be well understood, and literally carried out. The law itself is perhaps as old as the history of the world can be traced, and we find the existence of it in the time of tine Heptarchy, Before the Norman Conquest we have instances, however, to show that though the law was in existence, yet when it was thought that the exigences of the State required a warlike king who ,could lead the people" to battle, the order of succession was diverted, and another member of the Royal Family appointed. But the jealousy manifested by the English, and the blood they- have freely poured forth to maintain the principle of succession, shew that the law was looked upon as just and good. In a moment of elation for their deliverance from the misgovemment of a feeble monarch, the people of England shouted, " Long live the good Duke of Laiioastrr, our deliverer," and feeling no reward too great, bestowed upon their favorite the crown of the humbled monarch. Little did the exulting people think that they were laving the foundation to the cruel wars of Yo? k and Lancaster, which should deluge the kingdom with the blood of their sons,, and which should not be terminated till thirteen sanguinary battles had been fought upon our soil, and nearly all the ancient families destrqy-ed. And when (two, centuries later) the whole nation with one con¬ sent determined to reject the monarch wTho had violated his Coronation oaths, and tried to over¬ turn the,. Constitution, even., in, this instance, (laying as it did the foundation of ultimate peace and happiness,) it was, notwithstanding, followed with bloodshed and rebellion.^ The prince who has just made his appearance, among us is the srrandson ofthe reigning-monarch, anl as such awakens many thoughts in otu-mnidfi.^