§to[ JtontM| Jjrcpil OF THE NEWPORT ATIEMUM & MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. The Institute was Established in 1841, for the diffusion of UsefulKjiowUdge amongst its Members; and was admitted into union with tlie Society of Arts 18th of August, 1852. Vol. 1.—No. 1. JANUARY, 1864. Gratis to Members. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. All communications must be accompanied by the names and addresses of the writers, for the satisfaction of the Editors, and should be ad¬ dressed " The Editors, Monthly Journal, New¬ port Athenaeum." The Editors do not undertake to return re¬ jected communications. Contributors to "Questions and xVnswers" are requested to write concisely, and on one side of the paper only. NEWPORT, JANUARY 1, 18G4. On this first day of January, 1864, the Direc¬ tors of the Newport Athenaeum and Mecha¬ nics' Institute present to the members this prin¬ ted broad-sheet—a fitting and appropriate New Year's Gift ; for by means of its establishment as a Monthly Journal, it is hoped efficiently to develope that " Encouragement of Art, Litera¬ ture, and Science," which is the professed aim of its founders. Beginning, then, with the first day of the New Year, we take the opportunity to wish the heartiest " Compliments of the Season" to all, and a succession of prosperous " Seasons" to this good town of Newport in particular. Glancing at the past and present of the Insti¬ tution, we may congratulate the members on the progress already made, and especially on the gratifying fact that it has now assumed the undeniable status of a recognised Institution of the town. For this result it is indebted not only to the friendly exertions of those gentlemen who have been intimately connected with it throughout, but in a veiy great measure to the local press, which, notably during the past year, has afforded the Directors continued encourage¬ ment in their labors, and that publicity so necessary to its final success. We have been encouraged to this step by the success which has attended similar enterprises in connection with Mechanics' Institutes in various parts of this country. We aim at giving greater publicity to the proceedings of this Institution than the means at our command have hitherto afforded us, and we doubt not that with the support it will be our study to deserve, we shall go farther, and secure its more rapid developement. The first number of the Monthly Journal will perhaps, present grounds for criticism on the weighty points of contents, printing, and style ; but acknowledging the admitted principle that " Rome was not built in a clay," we do not aspire to immediate perfection. We have, however, done our best to solve the problem of suiting " subject" to " space." We content ourselves with asking a perusal of our biil of fare ; and may state that a portion of our contents under the heading " Questions," will be made a perma¬ nent feature, to which we especially invite the attention of the reader ; promising in return that " Answers" shall not be neglected. In the department of " Questions and Answers," our columns will be open as far as the exigencies of space allow, to those members who will favor us with their contributions. In other matters, to set doubt at rest, we may state that we cannot for the present admit miscellaneous contribu¬ tions. It would be unwise to load the good ship to the gunwale, being yet scarce fairly launched. The Journal will unquestionably be a first- rate medium for advertisements, since its minimum circulation will be 1,000 copies each issue, a large number of which will, doubtless, be preserved, as a handy means of reference to subjects of exclusive interest. Our Secretaries will, therefore, be happy to receive advertisements at the veiy moderate rate of charges to be found hi another column ; and, indeed, we may at once state that arrangements for increasing the size and circulation of the Journal, large as the latter undoubtedly is, will be made when such arrange¬ ments are warranted by an equivalent success. Having thus " unfolded our tale," it remains for us to ask the kind forbearance of the reader, for the many short-comings of which we feel conscious; and, showering the compliments of the season on all around, make our first bow to the members of the Newport Athenaeum and Mechanics' Institute in this, the dawning of the existence of th^ " Bjfflj jjJUJj "