MAGAZINE. Editorial Board.—Prof. Lloyd Suape, D.Sc. (Chairman), Prof Angus, M.A., Mr E. W. Thompson, B.A., Mr J. fiugh Edwards (Secretary), and Mr George Davis, J.P., (Treasurer). Vol. 1. NOVEMBER & DECEMBER, 1891. No. 4. THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF Y.M.C.A'S AT AMSTERDAM. By Professor H. Lloyd Snape, D.Sc, Ph.D. HE London Y.M.C.A., generally known as " the parent associa¬ tion," was organised in 1844 by the efforts of Mr George Williams, an earnest Christian young man of twenty-three years of age, and at the time a junior clerk in the large drapery establishment of Messrs George Hitchcock & Co., of whichhehas since become head. The success of this wise and courageous attempt, and the need that is increasingly experienced by the Christian church of making efforts of a special character for the retention of her young men, soon led to febe formation of many similar associations in many other countries besides that in which the Y.M.C.A. first found a home. As early as 1855, it was found advisable, for the purpose of consolida¬ tion and mutual encouragement, to hold an International Y.M.C.A. Conference. This was held in that year at Paris. Since then eleven simi ar conferences have been held, the last meeting in August of this year at Amsterdam, where more than 500 delegates assembled. Great Britain and Ireland alone sent 137 of these, Germany 86, and America 65; but representatives from Holland, Belgium, France Austria, Switzerland, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Russia and even from such distant parts of the world as Cape Colony, India, and Australia were also present. The formal opening of tl/e Conference took place on the morning of Wednesday, the 12th of August. The delegates then assembled in a large, lofty, and well-lighted hall in the Maison Stroucken. A short biblical exposition in French was followed by several prayers which, from the various languages in which they were offered, at once pointed to the polyglot character of the assemblage. Then all joined in singing a hymn from the small, but choice selection which had been printed in the excellent programme, a copy of which was placed in the hands of each delegate. Each of these hymns was given in Dutch, French, German and English versions, and in order to further assist all joining in worship, the \ ocal score was provided in each case, a small organ, manipulated by a skilful musician, furnishing the instrumental accom¬ paniment. Most impressive and inspiring was it to hear the delegates