MAGAZINE. Editorial Board.—Prof. Lloyd Snape, D.Sc. (Chairman), Prof. Angus, M.A., Mr. E. W. Thompson, B.A., Mr. J. Hugh Edwards (Secretary), and Mr. George Davis (Treasurer). Vol. i. JUNE, 1891. No. 2 HOLIDAY MAKING. By Professor J. E. Lloyd, M.A. HE art of holiday making is one which, in this age of popular privileges, every one is occasionally called upon to practise, though few of us have frequent opportunities of cultivating it. It is an art, indeed, which is apt to grow rusty for want of regular employment. That holiday making is a question of art no one, I think, will on due reflection deny. The theorist might, no doubt, maintain with his usual pertinacity that the man has a natural power of enjoying himself, which does not need the help of artistic cultivation.. But the practical man reckons all this as nought when weighed against the fact that he has on many festal occasions, in spite of elaborate preparations, distinctly not enjoyed himself. Hope, indeed, is never killed by these discouraging experiences : our friend adorns himself for each new bank holiday with an invincible belief that this time he is going to have a day of it • yet, looking back upon the past, he is fain to admit that the matter is not quite so simple as in moments of exhilaration it seems. The time is at hand when most readers of these pages will have a summer week or two to spend as seemeth to them fit Home ties will in some cases, determine the holiday arrangements in such a manner as to leave little freedom of choice : the youth will betake himself to his native heath, and will spend his time in revisiting old haunts and keeping bright old acquaintanceships. But some will be racked with the pleasing perplexity of " "Where to go V and " What to do after getting there ?" and to such a few words ef modest counsel may not be unacceptable. It is possible that counsel may be considered to come with ill-grace from one whose holiday privileges are so extensive, but the initiated are well aware that vacation does not spell holiday. The time that can be spared for genuine relaxation and freedom from the shackles of work and responsibility must, after all, be very limited in the caye of the most highly privileged, and this period the college professor is as liable to mis-spend as the apprentice or the clerk. Hence the writer is not precisely in the offensive position of the rich man who reads moral lessons to the poor.