Wftt JVbergsttogth §oung JRensi MAGAZINE. Editorial Board :—Prof. Lloyd Snape, D.Sc. (Chairman), Prof. Angus, M.A., Mr. E. W Thompson, B.A., Mr. J. Hugh Edwards (Secretary), and Mr. George Davis (Treasurer). Vol. I. MAY, 1891. No. 1. INTRODUCTORY. N introducing the first number of this Magazine we are not disposed to be unduly apologetic. To some, perhaps, it may seem a dangerous precocity which leads an Association, only entering on the second year of its existence to venture into print, as though a child should try to talk before he can fairly walk. But, after all, forms of energy develop differently in different circumstances, and there seem to be causes why a Magazine may prove of special advantage to us. Pressure of other engagements prevent many of our subscribers and members, who heartily sympathise with the Associa tion, from frequent attendance at its meetings. Such will, we believe, gladly welcome the periodical reports of the local Y.M.C.A's work. Others, who have made frequent use of the reading-room and have regularly attended the meetings during the winter may find it impossible to obtain during the week the leisure necessary to attend meetings, while some of us leave Aberystwyth for a few months in the summer time. Herein our Magazine may supply a deficiency and serve as a bond to keep us together. There has been a singular consensus of opinion in favour of setting the Magazine on foot, and that from various considerations. Instead of attempting ourselves to summarise the advantages which may be expected to accrue, we prefer to quote from three letters, which have been addressed to us with reference to the project, and whose writers are entitled to speak with authority. The first extract is from a letter of Mr George Williams, the Pre¬ sident of the National Council of Y.M.CAs. :— " I hope the Journal you are about to start may prove a real success and fulfil your best expectations. I fully sympathise with your en¬ deavours to thus bring the objects of the Y.M.C.A into increased