., ■ ■ , ...... . * «i- YCEIDWADWR EHYL: CYHOEDDEDIG GAN J. Moeeis, SO, HlGH Steeet» Ehif. 1. Cyp. I. MEHEFIN, 1882. PEIS 20. COUNTY OF GLAMOEGAN.—NOTICE IS HEEEBY GIYEN that the Justices of this County iatend, at their next Quarter Sessions, to be holden at Cardifl'on Mon- day, the 28th day oí June next, to Appoint a Comnúttee of Justiees to Provide an ADDITIONAL ASYLUM for this County at Pare Gwyllt.—T. MANSEL FEANELEN, Clerk of the Peace—Cardiff, May 1,1882. ABAZAAE will be held during the THIED WEEK of JULY, at the TOWN HALL, EUTHIN, in aid of the funds for the Eestoration of Llanynys Cliurcli. Further particulars will be given shortly. Any contributions will be thanlcfully received by Mrs. Davies, Tlie Vicarage, Llanynys, Denbigh. DIOCESE OF ST. ASAPH.—WANTED, early in July, a CUEACY, by an Oxford Graduate in Full Orders. Good Welsh and English Preacher. Young, musical, views moderate ; highest referenees can ba given. Address—Kev. W. M. Boberts, Bettws, Bridgend, S. Wales. CLEBGYMEN requiring Curates aud Curates seeldng Curacies should send particulars to the publisher of this periodical, who will announce theirrecrairments if desired, and in the meantime forward correspondence, as instructed. "ITTANTED—MASTEB for Church School. Average at- VV tendance, 30; £40, pence, and grant; sewing, extra. Welsh, harmonium, and to traiu choir] Apply—The Vicar, Glyndyfrdwy, Llangollen. CHAELES BOEBÜClí, late E. Powell Jones, Chemist, Bhyl, has a Vacancy for a respectable, well-educated Youth as an Apprentice. STBONG GIEL WANTED as GENEEAL SEBVANT. Must understand her duties well. Wages, £8. Ad- dress—" W.," Ccidwadtor Office, Bhyl, North Wales. WANTED, for Llanddulas National School, a Transfer Male PUPIL TEACHER or Ex. P.T. Address— Eector, Llanddulas Eectory, Abergele. PEINTING OEDEES receẃed at T Oeidwadwr offlce (unless it bs exeeptionally heavy work) will be executed and parcel sent carriagefree the day after receipt of order. , BOOEBINDING TOOLS and INSTEUMENTS wanted; including BBASS LETTEES, EOLLS, &c. Apply to the Pnblisher, Oeidwadwr office, Bhyl. TBICICLE.—WANTED TO PUECHASE a good strong TEICICLE, on an improved make. Small wheels at side, preferred. A second-hand machine, if it can be guaran- teed as sound, will answer the purpose. Address, p.p., to Ll., offlce of Ý Ceidwadwr, 30, fligh-street, Ehyl. COMFOETABLE APAETMENTS TO BE LET at the sea-side. Eeasonable terms. Address—K. F., office of Y Ceidioadwr, Ehyl. PUBLISHED by .1. Moimis, Ceidwad-\ve Office, 30, High- street, Bhyl— AHÎSTOEY OF ENGLAND AND WALES, from the Eoman to the Norman Comjuest. By T. Morgau Owen, M.A. Cloth, 3s.; free by post, 3s. 3d. CHUECH AND STATE DISCUSSION AT RHYL,— Verbatim repQrt of a lengthy debate between Chm'ch Defenders (Dean of Bangor and Mr. Lyons) and Liberationists (Bevs. J. Gordon and J. Evans). Paper cover, ls. ASHOET MEMOIE OF THE LATE EEV. J. A. JACESON, Lispector of Schools for the Diocese of St. Asaph. By the Eev. W. Hughes. Paper cover, 6d. (pub- lished price, ls.) ; lined cloth lettered, ls. (published price, 2s.), post free. LETTEES TO A DISSENTING MINISTEE ; in which the Clrarch is defended, and the position of Dissenters proved by Scripture and history to be untenable. By the Bev. P. (3. Ellis, Bector of Llaufairfechan. Paper cover, ls. To be had of the Author. IIFE AND LETTEBS OF CHAELES OF BALA.— J By theEev..W. Hughes, Eectorof Llanuwchllyn. To be had of the Author. HANES YB EGLWYS YNG NGHYMEU. (A sketch of the History of the Church in Wales during the last three centuries.) By the Eev. J. WiUiams (Glanmor.) Paper cover, 6d. (published at ls 6d.); cloth boards, ls. (pùhUshed at 2s. 6d.) (The Church L. Meredith, YE EGLWYS AI YMNEILLDUAETH ? or Dissent.) Translated by the Eev. J. M.A., Eector of Gelligaer. Boards, 2s. 6d. T. ASAPH TUNE BOOK. at 3s. 6d.) Boards, 2s. 6d. (published THE EHYL HANDBOOE, ALMANACIi, AND DIAEY, for 1882. Containing plan of Ehyl—postal arrange- ments—places of worship—íist of householders and lodgiug houses—tide tables—trade directory—drives and raìlway fares—local events in 1881, &e. Sixty.four pages, ld. YBUGEILYDD—A few Vols. in neat paper eover, cloth back. Price, ls. 6d., post free (published at 2s. 6d.) REDUCED PBICES.—Twelve single assorted copies of Amddiffìinydd yr Eglwys sent post free for lOd; twelve ditto Èugeilydd 6d.—to effect a clearance of odd numbers. BOOKBINDING in all its branches at Y Ceidwadwe Ofüce, 30, High-street, Ehyl, where samples may be seen and a price-list obtained. Post orders promptly exe- cuted. Prices, charged for good work, very moderate.