" Old Brecknock Chips." 66 Hams, Curate of Stan- more Harris, Fordham Hawkesworth, United Brethren Hayes Herdsman, South Peth- erton Honeywell Honeywood Jenkins, Lewes Johnson, Manchester „ Tyler, Vicar of Ashby, Lincoln „ Vaughan, Yeovil „ Wase „ White, South Petherton „ Whitefoot, Enfield ,, Wilks, Mathew, Taber¬ nacle, London „ Wilks, Mark, Norwich „ Williams, Thomas, Stepney „ Williams, Griffith, Dr. Jones, Lady Glenorchy's London Chapel, Edinburgh „ Williams, John Eev. Mr Jones Thomas, „ Williams, Hugh, Stone, Oathall Staffordshire „ Jones, William „ Winkworth, Chaplain „ Jones, Joseph, Lincoln of St. Saviours, South- „ Kirkman, Islington wark „ Young, Margate New York. Henry Blackwell. FEIDAY, AUGUST 3rd. TEEES. To the Editor of the " Brecon County Times." Sir,—Since my enquiry for information respecting old or rare trees in the neighbourhood appeared in your columns, I have been able to gather a few particulars which may possibly interest your readers. The most notable of the much-admired trees at Treble Hill, Glasbury, are: Fern-leaved Beech, Evergreen Oak, Acacia (white and pink), Juniper, Lime tree, Plane tree, Tulip tree or Saddle tree, and White Beam. The latter is somewhat rare, and is nowhere more ornamental than on the ruinous walls of the ancient Roman tower of Silcheeter. The Acacia is now in bloom, the beauty of which is greatly enhanced by its close proximity to the richly tinted leaves of the Copper Beech, and to which it presents a charming contrast. There are also a few rare trees at Broomfield, viz. : Arbor Vitae, Weeping Ash (which has been very carefully trained and has a very pretty appearance), Cypress, and Deodara. It is not, perhaps, surprising that the magnifi¬ cently wooded grounds of Maesllwch Castle should possess some noteworthy specimens of rare and finely grown trees, amongst them being the Cedar of Lebanon. No. 1—57ft. high, 16£ft. at base, and 15ft. at 8ft. from the surface ; the branches extend 46ft. one way, and 43ft. another. No. 2—80ft. high, 13ft at base, and 9ft. 8in. at 6ft. from the ground. Wistaria - 9ft. high (trained on a wall to that height), extending in one direction 100ft., and in another direction 120ft., or a total length of 73 yards. It was formerly 94 yards, but the severe winter of 1881 killed the shoots. Chestnut (horse)—70ft. high, 21ft. at base (where the roots project), and 14ft. at 6ft. from the ground. At a point where three branches shoot out—12ft. from the surface—the tree is no less than 25ft. in circumference, a truly handsome spectacle. Larch, No. 1—80ft. high, 23ft. at base of projecting roots, and lift, at 6ft. from the ground. No. 2—90ft. high, but not so large in circumference, being 17£ft. at base, and 9ft. at 6ft. from the surface. Wellingtonia—this was first planted in February, 1874, being at that time 5ft. high, and batween six and seven years old. It is now 30ft. high, thus showing a growth of nearly 2ft. each year. Rhododendron—In all probability this is the largest in England and Wales, measuring 35 yards diametrically, and 108 yards in circum¬ ference. All the trees mentioned, with the exception of the Wellingtonia, are from 70 to 80 years old. On the southern side of the Castle there is a very fine avenue of " tall, towering Elm" ; the branches of the perfectly trained trees, on either side gradually becoming intermingled, suggest the formation, at an early date, of a magnificent natural archway. The Cedar of Lebanon is, perhaps, the largest at present in England, and, according to Hindi's Vegetable Kingdom, only one specimen is given as being larger than the above. This was a tree at Whitton, in Middlesex, which was blown down in 1779. It had attained a height of 70ft., and the trunk was 16ft in circumference at 7ft. from the ground. With reference to the Horse Chestnut, it may be interesting to know that it was so called from the fact that the Turks grind the nuts and mix them with the food of their horses. They are stated to be eaten by deer and sheep, and by poultry when boiled; but hogs refuse them both raw and prepared. I have only mentioned the Wellingtonia to show its rapidity of growth. Some of this kind of tree in California are estimated at three thousand years old. Lord Richard Grosvenor, in 1860, confirmed a state¬ ment which had often been made, that one specimen was 450ft. in height and 116ft. in circumference. It is therefore higher than St. Peter's at Rome; little short of the height of the Pyramids; only 16ft. lower than the spire of Strasburgh Cathedral, the loftiest in the world ; and, to come nearer home, exactly the height of the great stalk at the chemical works of St. Rollox in Glasgow. At a penny per square foot of inch deal, the value of the timber in such a tree would be £6250 ! There are two very fine Cedars at Llangoed Castle, about 60ft. high and 12 to 13ft. in circum¬ ference ; also a grand old oak, the branches of which cover an area of 72 yards. As far as my personal observation goes, I notice that Pembrokeshire is more deficient in woodland than any other countv in Wales. Can any of your readers account for this ? I am making further enquiries as to the age of old trees in the neighbourhood, and I may have some¬ thing to say on the subject at a future date. In the meantime I shall be glad of any interesting notes on this subject through your columns. " ARBOR."