Old Beecknock Chips." 62 Debt due from Edwd. Kydman gent. Debt from Geo. Vaux, Esq. and Mark Ive gent. Bequest to Kydman, to Humf. Wheler gent. Debt from John Goberne, from Bichard Crofte gent of Eton, Hereford. Bequest to Thos. Welcbe gent, to Geo. Paul gent, William Monoux gent exor. Overseer Bowland Kilmer. Wit. Geo. Hammond minister, Geo. Denbam, Gilbert Cawdrey, Bobt. Bichardson. Prov. May 29, 1590, by exor. [C.P.C. Drury, 34.] Nuncupative will of William Awbrey of the par. of St. Olave, Hart street, London. All to wife Mary, with whom he had prin¬ cipal fortune. Dated Feb. 25, 1598-9, prov. by relict May 23, 1599. [C.P.C. Kidd fo. 37.] Bent Boll of Lordship of Kidwelli. 7 Henry VI. (1429). Books of Surveys, Duchy of Lancaster. Section 18. Free¬ holders in par. of Llanarthney co. Carmar¬ then—Bice Awbrey, rent 5 shillings (being fourth highest in parish). A.S.M. [We heartily thank our correspondent " A.S.M." for his authentic and exhaus¬ tive notes on this important old Brecon- shire family of the past. We should like to see the history of other old families of our county treated in the same able way. —Ed. O.B.C.] FBIDAY, JULY 20th. NOTES. THE TBEES IN BUILTH CHUBCH- YABD.—I think it is necessary that some permanent public record should be kept of the piece of vandalism that has just been committed in this town, and the letter just published by the Vicar of Cwmyoy will suffice :—" Sir,—I was glad to find a " meeting had been held to protest against " the cutting down of trees in Builth " churchyard. As the son of the late Lewis "Lewis, of Tynllwyn, near Builth, and of " the Tan House, Builth, by whom all the " trees were planted in the churchyard, and " who went to the expense of about a " thousand pounds in helping to restore the " church, I emphatically utter my protest '' against the cutting down of those beautiful " trees, which help to make Builth church- " yard one of the prettiest in Wales. My " family lie buried in the churchyard, and I " therefore take a deep interest in the " matter. I sincerely trust every means " will be taken to prevent the further " destruction of trees so dear to the people " of the parish.—Lewis Lewis, Vicar of " Cwmyoy and Llanthony Abbey.—July " 12th, 1888." It is full time to ask are we going back to the days of Bradwyr Buallt ? PAST BBECONSHIBEjWOBTHIES.— According to Mr Octavius Morgan, the venerable South Wales antiquarian, and uncle to the present Lord Tredegar, there are the following monumental effigies to local personages in St. Mary's Church, Abergavenny :— (1). An • alabaster altar tomb richly wrought, with the panels filled with statuettes, and supporting effigies of a knight and his lady. Sir William ap Thomas, the ancestor of all the noble families of the Herberts, died in 1446; and the Lady Gwladys, his second wife, the daughter of Sir David Gam, and widow of Sir Boger Vaughan, of Bredwardine. She died in 1454. (2). Much damaged altar tomb of free¬ stone, with recumbent female effigy. Assigned to Eva, daughter of William Marshall, earl of Pembroke, and wife of William de Braose, the last lord of Abergavenny of that name; she died in 1246. (3). A monument similar to the last, but less injured : A female figure, with a shield of arms on the breast, Eva de Cantelupe, daughter and co-heiress of William de Braose, and wife of William de Cantelupe, lord of Abergavenny ; she died in 1257. (4). Altar tomb and effigy of Andrew Powell, a judge on the Brecon Circuit, 1615—1635, and Margaret, his wife, daughter of Matthew Herbert; died 1641. Some account of the life of this Judge Powell will be of interest to your readers. Was he one of the judges who tried the Seven Bishops ? Brycheiniog. REPLIES. OAK TBEES AND THEIB AGE (June 22nd).—In reply to " Arbor's " query for information relating to the Glasbury yew- trees, and the old oak tree at Eardisley, which is stated to be nearly 1000 years old, I will do my best to supply some data that may be useful, although I must at once confess I am no arborist, and do not know the simplest facts of arboriculture. All I can do is to state certain facts, and draw