" Old Brecknock Chips." 57 June 22nd.—" Old Brecknock Chips" did not appear in this issue. FEIDAY, JUNE 29th, 1888. OLD BEECON WILLS. THE POSTEEITY OF WILLIAM AWBEEY, LL.D. [Continued from June 15th, 1888.] The following certificate, one of " ' a small parcel of originals found in Mr Clarencieux Lee's studye at his death,' and now (1836) in the possession of J. B. Nichols, Esq., F.S.A.," was printed in Collectanea Topographica et Oenealogica, Vol. IV., 375-6 :— The 23th day of July a.d. 1595. "William Awbrey Doctor of the Civill Lawe, Chauncellor to the most Reverend father John Archbushopp of Canterbury, Judge of his Court of ye Awdience, Vicar generall throughout all ye province, one of her Majes. Counsell in ye Marches of Wales, and one of the Masters of ye Requests in ordinary. He was maryed to Wilgiford ye first daughter of Jhon Williams of Teynton in the county of Oxford gent, and had by her issue living at this present 3 sonnes and 6 daughters. The eldest sonne, Edward, maryed Joan daughter and one of the heirs to William Havard, in the county of Brecknock, esquire, and hath by her issue 5 sonnes and 5 daughters, viz. the first is William, the 2d Edward, ye 3d Thomas, 4th Jhon, 5th Hopkyn; his eldest daughter is "Wilgiford, 2d Elioner, 3d Katherine, 4th Joan, and ye 5th Elizabeth. The second sonne, Thomas, maryed Mary daughter and heir of Anthony Maunsell, in the county of Glamorgan, esquir, and hath issue 5 daughters, viz. the eldest Elizabeth, ye 2d Katherine, 3d Jane, 4th Cicely, and the 5th Wilgiford. The third sonne is Jhon, who as yet is un maryed. Elizabeth, the first daughter of the sayd William, maryed Thomas Norton of Morwood, in the county of Kent, esquir, and hath issue 5 sonnes and one daughter, viz. the first John, the 2d Thomas, ye 3d William, 4th Robert, 5th Richard, and Elioner his daughter. Mary, the second daughter, maryed William Harbert, of Kyrekhowell, in the com. of Brecknock, esquire, and hath issue 6 sonnes and 4 daughters ; what they ar% is not yet learned. Joan, third daughter, maryed Daniell Dunne, Doctor of the Civill Lawe, and hath issue one sonne called Jhon, and 4 doughters, viz. the first Wilgiford, the second Anne, the third Elizabeth, and the fourth Joan. Wilgiford, fourth daughter, maryed Rise Kemmys of Llanvayer, in ye county of Monumeth esquir, and hath issue 4 sonnes, viz. the eldest Edward, ye 2 Davye, ye 3d (blank), and the 4th Charles. Lucie, fifte daughter, was first maried to Hugh Powell, gentleman, and had by him one daughter, called Anne; and afterwards she maryed Jhon Gybon, gent, in the county of Glamorgan, by whom she hath no issue. And Anne, the sixt daughter, maryed Jhon Partridge, sonne and heir of Robert Partridge of Wyshanger, in the county of Gloucester, esquire, by whom she hath one daughter called Bridgett. This William Awbrey, Doctor, aforesayd, dyed the 25th day of June 1595, and was worshipfully accompanied from his house neer the Doctors Commons in London, unto the Cathedrall Churche of St. Paule, and there interred ye 23th day of July ; whose funerall was solemnized by James Thomas, Chester, and Tho. Lant, Portcullis. In witness whereof we whose names are underwritten have sett to our hands the day and year above mencioned. (Signed) Ed. Awbrey, Jo. Awbrey, late of Aberkynwaye, Tho. Awbrey, John Awbrey. The above are the signatures of the three sons, and of the brother, of the deceased. John, who signs last, was the Doctor's youngest son, and in 1595 was still a minor. The following extracts, from one of the volumes printed for the Camden Society, refer to him at this time. 1595 May 9. My coosen John Awbry cam to me, to recreate himself for a while. June 1, my yong coosen, John Awbrey, was sent for to his father to London. Mr Partrich, his brother, in London; Richard Ward, and other cam for him. June 25, Dr. Awbrey died at midnight. These entries are from the diary of Dr. John Dee, "the Astrologer:" other entries refer to Dr. Awbrey's good offices with the Queen on Dee's behalf. The acquaintance between them was intimate. 1579. July 16, Arthur was christened at 3 of the clok af ternone; Mr Dyer and Mr Doctor Lewys, judg of the Admiralty, were his godfathers; and Mistres Blanche Pary of the Privie Chamber his godmother. Mr John Harbert of Estshene was deputy for Dr. Lewys, and Mystres Awbrey was deputy for my cosen Mistres Blanche Pary. " 1596. May 11, my brother Aubrey [query, ' Aubrey Dee'] and Richard toward London." John Awbrey inherited manors in Herefordshire from his father, Dr. Awbrey, but did not live long to enjoy them. 1616, last day of May. I John Awbrey of Burlton co. Hereford Esq. Wellbeloved wife Rachell, lease of parsonage of Llanigon co. Brecon, notwithstanding my deed of trust made by me Nov. 17 8 Jas. [1610] to Sir Daniell Dunne and Sir Thomas Awbrey knts. : if our son Richard shew himself a dutiful child he to have the said inheritance. Whereas I have a decree in Chancery against Hugh George for £309 6 8, said sum to wife. Crops &c. on my manors of Burlton and Stretford &c. Whereas I have granted by Copy of Court Roll to Thomas Danvers Esqr. one of my said wife's brothers the reversion of mess.' in Burlton, and whereas I have granted by Copy mess.' &c. to have and hold to the said Thomas Danvers, Samuell Awbrey Esq., and John Danvers Esqre. on trust &c., as by Indenture for explanation of said trust dated Dec. 26, 13 Jas [1615] ; to wife Rachell for life, remr. sou Richard My daughter Anne £300. To Sir Daniell Dunne knt. Mr. of Requests, cup of silver, to my lady and sister las wife, " as I have been extraordinarily bound unto him for his care toward me." Residue wife Rachell, exix. : guardian to son Richard. Overseers Sir Daniel Dunne and my brother Sir Thomas Awbrey. Proved Dec. 3, 1616 by relict Rachel. The Inquisition on the death of John Awbrey was taken at Hereford, August 31st,