Old Brecknock Chips." 55 Evan Haman, Thomas WatMn, Thomas William weaver, Elizabeth verch William Awbrey the Executor, Isabell Colly wife of Thomas Colly. Schedule of debts, int. alios " to Isabell Colly my sister." Schedule of legacies, to Johan Watkins spinster my daughter-in-law £35, Jane Hutchins my goddaughter. Elizth. Tyndall my daughter-in- law £3. Niece Hesther daughter of Mary Watkins. Dec. 18, 1647, Commission issued to John Watkins, Administrator in trust named in will. [C.P.C. " Fines," fo. 194.] Jones (Vol. II., 367), mentions a tombstone in the Churchyard of Llanelieu, in memory of " William Awbrey of Llanelieu son of Thomas Awbrey gent., who married Elizabeth daughter of William Awbrey and had 10 children, eight being named, Richard, William, Thomas, Theophilus, Ann, Mary, Martha, and Elizabeth. He died Dec. 1716, aged 90." Thus his decline was peaceful, but his heirship under the above will was contested. The testator makes provision in that will for the defence of title. From papers in series in the Record Office, called " Royalist Composition Papers," the nature of the dispute can be recovered. R.C.P. First Series (Vol. 108, 55.) "The petition of Rees Lloid in co. Brecon : sheweth that one Richard Awbry of Boughrood co. Radnor clerk in holy orders, in Aug. 1649 being voted delinquent and sequestered by Edward Kimiss, John Williams, and Howell Jones Esquires. Commissioners for cos. Brecon and Radnor, and the said Richd. Awbry having personal estate worth £180 lis. 4d., the same was seized and disposed by William Awbry, William Powell, Thomas Hutchins, and John Williams then sequestrators, and not one penny thereof restored to the said Richard or accounted for to the State. That the said Richd. Awbry being also lawfully seized in fee of certain lands and tenements situat in Llanelew co. Brecon, called by the names of Tyni Uaneilleio and the Tydy otherwise blackhouse, also of a water grist mill, all worth £50 per annum, and was also seized of and interested in certain lands in said parish called y werne lloyd, Bron llwydd ysha, Bron lloyd yssa, and other lands and ten. in par. of Talgarth sd. co. worth £40 per aun., the said Sequestrators for one whole year did receive the profits of the said £50 and have made no account either to the said Richard or to the State; and the said lands continued sequestered till the said Committee was removed and Commissioners named, and William Watkins being named Com¬ missioner of Sequestration there did continue the Sequestration for half a year after he was named, viz., until August, 1650, and no account rendered : and William Watkins and William Awbrey coveting to buy the said premisses did acquaint the said Richard Awbrey that if he would take £300 for his claim and title and sell the premisses to them they would remove the Sequestration or else it should be continued. The said Richard Awbrey was necessi¬ tated to sell the said premisses for £300, the said premisses being really worth £90 per ann. : and the said William Awbrey and William Watkins have enjoyed the same for 3 years ending August next. " Your Petitioner on behalf of the State do.h pray that the Sequestrators William Watkins, William Awbry, William Powell, Thomas Hutchins, and John Williams may be called on for an account. (Signed) Rees Lloyd. Oct. 6, 1652." The answers which follow, and which disclose a state of affairs not altogether answerable to the above description, I must reserve for another occasion. A. S. M. [To be Continued.] FEIDAY, JUNE 15th, 1888. THE POSTERITY OF WILLIAM AWBREY, LL.D. [Continued from June 8th, 1888]. The period 1550 to 1600 was favourable to the Awbrey family. During the reign of Elizabeth, Morgan, son of William Awbrey, of Aberkynurgh, acquired Clehonger and the other Herefordshire estates, which he bequeathed to his son, and this without fortune from his father, by the exercise of his trade in London. William Awbrey, one of the Masters of Requests (a Court established in the reign of Henry, and abolished in tho reign of Charles I.) was even more successful. The son of a younger son, whose patrimony was small, and in the parish of Cantreff, he bought up the ancient inheritance of his family in Breconshire, and left it. with as much again or more, to his eldest son. His second son he enabled to make a great match in an adjoining county, while his third and youngest son succeeded to more than one manor in Herefordshire, and but for his father's death would have owned the castle and manor of Pembridge. The Inquisition on the death of this third son, John Awbrey, of Burlton, county Hereford, recites an entail made by the doctor of his estate in that county ; I insert it accordingly, immediately after the doctor's funeral certificate, and set out some wills, &c, relating to this branch before passing to the families of Tredomen and Llantrithyd. "Mr Doctor Aubrey and others, insatiable cormorants in my diocese, using Bowen for an instrument that should have nomen sine re, do work all this, and so odiously set me forth, because they have not all their will, that I, whose innocency God doth know, am by their report made the wickedest man alive. I have poured my complaint unto your Grace because I have not many places of refuge. Almighty God preserve your Grace. 19 Martii