" Old Brecknock Chips." 52 Abchurch, where I now dwell. To the poor of the parish of " Llanvarenach where I was borne." Treasurer of Christ's Hospital. Company of Salters in London, whereof I am a brother. To son Samuel Aubrey, Lease &cc. of Shelwyche in co. Hereford, which I late bought of Thomas "Wigmore of Shogden Esq. Mourning gowns to wife Joane, son Samuel and his wife, my sister Joane, my Aunt Awbrey widow, late the wife of John Awbrey of London deceased, cousin John Goffe, William Taylor, and Thomas Vickers. Residue to wife Joane, sole Exix. overseer, loving friend George Samwell. Tenement known by the name of the Black Swan in St. Mary Abchurch to wife, remainder to son. Signed, March 11, 1606. Witness Barth. Gillman servant to Geo. Samwell, Francis Shute, William Dutton. Proved Dec. 3. 1608 by Joane the relict. Further Admon. to son Samuel. Mar. 8 1612-3 left unad. by the widow. [C.P.C. "Windebank" fo. 107.] 1612-3 Jan 19. "I Johane Aubrey of London widow, late wife of Morgan Aubrey, late citizen and Salter of London." To be buried by said Husband. Poor of St. Mary Abchurch. Sister Elizabeth Taylor, £5, Anne daur. of sd. sister, children of sd. Ann. Sister Newman. Brother Francis Vaux, his son Robert, his daughter Joane, Ann her sister. Cousin Thomas Mulward. Cousin Ann Taylor daughter-in-law to said sister Elizabeth Taylor. My sister Mary. Cousin Thomas Mil ward's daughter Joan. Loving friends Mr William Thomas and Mathew Davis. " To my loving daughter Dame Katherine St. John wife to the right worshipful Sir Anthony St. John the some of one hundreth pounds." Aubrey Bevan son of said daur. Katherine £200. Daughter-in-law the wife of son Samuel Aubrey. Godson Oliver St. John son of said daughter Katherine £100 at 21, if he die to remain to such other child as it shall please God she shall have by Sir Anthony, if she have none such to attain 21, then to Aubrey Bevan. Child now in the womb of daughter Katherine £100. Herbert, Joan, and Anthony three of the children of son Samuel Morgan Aubrey another son of son Samuel. Residue in equal shares to son Samuel and daughter Katherine. Son Samuel executor. Proved Mar. 8. 1612-3 by said son. [C.P.C. " Capell" fo. 22] This lady was daughter to Robert Vaulx in the county of Cumberland [Harley MS. 2109-61]. Her brother John Vaux, citizen and Merchant Taylor of London, made his will Jan. 24, 1603-4, proved Dec. 20, 1604 [C.P.C. "Hayes " fo. 4]. He gives " to my cousin Samuell Aubery and Joyce his wife," 10 shillings. His relict Alice Vaux's will was proved Mar. 21, 1614-5 [C.P.C. " Rudd " fo. 25]. The pedigree of this family of Vaux is entered in the Visitation of Bedfordshire, printed for the Harleian Society. Katherine, only daughter of Morgan Awbrey and Joane Vaux his wife, was certainly twice and, according to the Visitation pedigrees, thrice married. A. S. M. [To be Continued.] OLD BEECON WILLS [Continued from May 25th, 1 THE AWBREYS OF CLEHONGER. 1600. Dec. 1. "I Francis Bevans Doctor of the Laws, and Chancellor to the Rev. Father in God, Herbert Bishop of Hereford." To be buried in the Cathedral Church of Hereford. To Katherine my wife, two bonds that Mr Anthony Harford and Mr Richard Cave stand bound to me in. To said wife, Lease of the Church or Rectorie of llangonnowre, mortgaged to me by Mr John Byrte for £220. To Brother John, for life, lands which I bought of Sir John Vaughan knt., which once was part and parcell of the tenement my Brother now dwelleth in, if he have any son lawfully begotten, remainder to such son. To my Mother, a peece of plate the best I have eup or goblet, to remain to my nephew Water Williams, if she alienat it not in her lifetime. To my Father-in-law Mr Morgan Awbrey and to my Mother-in-law his wife in token of remem- braunce, a peece of plate at the discretion of my wife. To my Brother Samuell son to the said Morgan, my best grey gelding; to Mr Herbert Westpaling young trotting gelding. To Loving friends Giles Thompson, Mr Roger Brodshawe, Mr William Plott and godson Fraunces Brodshawe, FKIDAY, JUNE 1st, 1888. rings of gold of 10 shillings each To wife Katherine profits &cc. of all lands in fee simple as well mortgaged and leases, till son Awbrey Bevans come to age of 21, paying said son £34 per ann. during minority, and annuity to my Mother, which I am bound by covenant to pay ; if son die under 21 all leases to wife. Kinsman and servant Thomas Bowen, £10. Residue to wife Katherine. Witness Roger Bradshawe, William Plott, Eliz ibeth Brad- shawe, Ann Parratt, Jane Vicares and others. June 3 1602, Commission issued to Katherine Bevans widow the relict. [C.P.C. Montague fo. 48]. 25 Eliz. 1583. July 9. Doctor of Laws. Francis Bevans of All Souls College. He was afterwards principal of New Inn and Jesus College and Chancellor to Dr. Westphaling Bishop of Hereford, in which city dying in the beginning of 1602 was buried in the Cathedral Church there. [Wood's Fasti. Editd. Biss 224, under date]. John Phillipps of Llanstephan co. Carmarthen married Margaret daughter to Richard ap Evan Lloyd of Caermarthen, sister to Dr. Bevan Chancellor of Hereford, and had issue (int. alios), Thomas P. of Llanstephan, whose will bears date Ap. 14. 1651. [Miscellaneous Peds. printed for