" Old Brecknock Chips." FEIDAY, MAY 25th, 1888. 51 OLD BEECON WILLS. AWBREYS OF ABERCUNRIG—1530-1590. (Continued from May 18th, 1888). The following Inquisition was noticed in "Old Brecknock Chips," April 1st, 1887; a some¬ what fuller abstract is now given:—"Inquisi¬ tion taken at Crughoell co. Brecon, July 12, 4 E. VI. [1550], before William Morgan Esq., William Herberte Esq., Walter Herbert of Crug¬ hoell Esq., and William Johns Jeun gentleman, Commissioners of our Lord the King by letters &cc. after the death of William Aubrey and Jane his wife deceased, as to what lands the said William or Jane, or either of them, held on the day on which they died of the King or of others. It was found that the said William Awbrey was seized in demesne as of fee of and in the Manor of Aberconrinke and Palege with one water mill in Patheleg, together with 1000 A. land, 300 A. pasture, 200 A. meadow, 200 A. wood with the appurtenances called Aberconrike and Patheleke in said co., lying and being in the parish of llanbrynaghe [Llanfrynach], llabays [Llanfaes], and Estradingleise [Ystradgunlais] in sd. co. : and the said William, being so seized, by deed dated Aug. 13 25 Hen. VIII. [1533] gave to Edward Glim. [Gwillim], John Morgan. John ap lowis Havarde, Charles Herbert and Meredith ap Watkyn all his Manor called Aberconrike and Patbeleke and his aforesaid mill, situated in par. of Llanvrenagh, Llanvays, and Estradynglys, to the said Edward, John, John, Charles and Meredith, their heirs and assigns &cc. : and the said Edward ap Glim, John ap Morgan, John ap lewes Havard, and Meredith ap Watkyn, by their deed dated Dec. 2 26 Hen, VIII. [1534], gave the said Manor called Aber¬ conrike and Patheleke, together with the said mill &cc, to Lewelin ap Morgan d.d. Game Esqre., and Thomas Walter of the town of Brecone merchant, to them and their heirs &cc. And the said " Ludovicus (sic) " ap Morgan d.d. Game and Thomas Walter, by their deed dated Dec. 2. 26 Hen. VIII. [1534], gave the said lands to the said William and Jane his wife and the heirs of the body begotten between them, and in default of such issue to the right heirs of the said William Awbrey : by virtue of which the said William and Jane were seized of the said premises in demesne as of fee tail: and the said William being so seized died June 27 IE. VI. [1547], and the said Jane surviving him, " se tenuit intus in predicto manerio &cc. per ius acrescend'," and was there seized in demesne as of fee tail, value per annum £13 13s. 4d., held of our Lord the King as of his Manor of Brecon, as one fourth part of one Knight's fee : and the said Jane, as long as she was sole, and one James Whitney and the said Jane, after marriage celebrated between them, received the rents &cc. from the death of the said William Awbrey to the eighth day of June last past [1550], on which day the said Jane also died : And that the said William Awbrey on the day on which he died was seized of one Messuage called Carter Keven, with 40 A. land, 20 A. meadow, 30 A. pasture, 20 A. wood with appurts. in the par. of St. David and " St. Kenebii de Cantre " in co. Brecon, in demesne as of fee, and by his will gave and bequeathed the said Mess, called Carter Keven with the lands and ten. belonging to sd. Mess, to one William Awbrey his son, his heirs and assigns for ever : that the said 40 A. of land &cc. are held of the King, as of his Manor of Brecon, and are of the value of 20 shillings per annum : and the aforesaid William Awbrey and Jane, and neither of them, held any other lands in the said co. of the King or of any other, or elsewhere in the realm. And lastly it is found that Richard Awbrey is son and next heir to the said William Awbrey " per formam doni," (i.e., according to the tenour of the recited settlement of 1533-4), and the said Richard is aged at the taking of this Inquisition 15 years. [Court of Wards. Hen. VIII. Vol. 5, fo. 62.] In the Exchequer Memoranda, Easter Term 22 Eliz. [1580] Rot. 136, Wi'liam Awbrey LL.D. being called on to shew his title to the Manor of Aberconrick &cc. co. Brecon, it is recited that Richard son and heir of William and Jane Awbrey did homage for Aberconrig and Palleg and a water mill, 1000 A. land &cc. in Par. of Llanwrynach, Llanvaes, and Estredgynleise&cc, Feb. 12. 17 Eliz. [1574-5] : that he sold Aberconrig to Dr. Awbrey. &cc. : Also that William Awbrey de Palleg sold 9 mess. &cc. in par. of Istradgunlais, Nov. 20 14 Eliz. [1571] to David Williams of the Middle Temple London &cc." THE AWBREYS OF CLEHONGER. I shall hope to supply a full abstract of this document hereafter, and pass immediately to the wills, &c, shewing the descent of Awbrey of &c Clehonger. 1577-8 March 2. 20 Eliz. " I Hopkyn Awbrey of Llangiwke within the diocese of St. David's." To Alice verch Richard all household stuff &cc. Richard Thomas my son-in-law. My Brother Richard Awbrey. Thomas ap Richard. William Awbrey my son. Residue to Morgan Awbrey my Brother, the said Morgan to be executor, if he refuse to James Peele my Brother-in-law and Richard Thomas my son-in-law. June 16 1580, Commission issued to Joane Taylor natural and legitimate sister of the defunct, and to William Taylor her husband, to administer &cc, Morgan Awbrey the exor. named in will having renounced execution [C.P.C. " Ajundell" fo. 23.] 1606-7 March 10. 4 Jas. "I Morgan Awbrey citizen and Salter of London," to be buried in the Church of St. Marie Abchurch in London. Divides goods &cc. into two parts, one part to my well beloved wiefe Joane. To Martha alias Marthe Taylor the daughter of my sister Joane, £10 at day of marriage. To Elizabeth Taylor my wife's sister 40 shillings. To Mary Williams neece of Doctor Bevans deceased, £10 at day of marriage. To Aubrey Bevans my grandchild, £50 at age of 24. To my sister Flood, £20. To the poor of St. Mary