" Old Brecknock Chips." 46 Mathew William £5. My maid servant Mary Morgan £5, the feather bed with the rug, 2 pair blankets, 2 pair sheets with all other furniture belonging to same bed in the middle chamber &c. &c. To my godson Michael Cherchey £5 and 20 shillings to Christopher Cherchey the second son of "Walter Cherchey and also to Walter Cherchey 40 shillings for a remembrance and to Mary Cherchey for the same my best ring. To Thomas William my servant £3 and 5 yards of cloth &cc. To Mary Gwyn my new petticoate with 3 velvet laces about it, my best wastcoat of the same cloth and 20 shillings in money. To my maid¬ servant Mauld 20 shillings and to Mary Gwyn one of my best ruffe bands, 2 coyfes, 2 cross clothes, and 2 neck clothes, and my best hatt. To Mistres Barbary Lloyd 20 shillings. To my nephew Mathew Thomas 1 truncke &cc. To my cozen John Thomas 6 new cushions of green coullor. 40 shilings among the poor of the town of Brecon according to the discretion of Mr Daniel Winter, Mr Thomas Bullcott, Mr William Watkins and Hugh Meredith. To my godson Harry son of Harry James 5 shillings. To poor of parish of Lidbury North 20 shillings. Poor of Bishops Castle 20 shillings at the discretion of my brother Mathew Thomas. Said brother Mathew Thomas to be executor. Signed Lucie Games. Witness, Daniel Winter, Thomas Bulcott, William Watkins, Hu. Meredith scrivener. Codicil, Sept. 25. 1635. To sister-in- law Joyce Thomas best gown, best petticoat, best kirtle. To mayd Mary best riding suite, cloake and safe guard and hoode. To Hugh Phillip Morgan's wife my kersie gowne. John William's wife the Millnor my old clothe gowne, 1 smocke, 1 apron, 1 pair stockins, 1 neck cloth, 1 coyfe, 1 cross cloth, 1 band, 1 apron. To Alice wife of Thomas Williams the same. To the wife of Owen Taylor 1 red petticoate &cc. Joan wife of Walter Persons 1 black stuff gowne, 1 kirtle. To Joane Thomas my niece 1 petticoate of red cotton. To Mistress Mary Gwynne best pair of shoes and stockings. Servant Mawde 1 apron &cc. Lucie my man Thomas Williams' daughter black stuff gown. This Codicil declared Sept. 27, 1635. Witness Thomas Bullcott, William Bevans, and Mathew Thomas junior. Proved Nov. 2£, 1635, by Mathew Thomas the executor. [C.P.C. " Sadler "^fo. 112]. C.P.C. Admon.|J-l646. Nov. 20. Lewis Edward of Longatocke co. Brecknocke to Edward Lewis exor. named in will pendente lite between Henry Edwards and Catharine Morgan " nepti ex filia " of the deceased. The last will and testament of Ellnere Games as George Woodcock can justifie, being last of May 1636. I give to my goddaughter Ellinor Games all that ever I have, except to bring mee to my grave. The mark of Ellinor Games. Witness Thomasine Turrill, the mark of Ellis Baye. May 29. 1637. Commission issued to Thomas Games, father of Eleanor Games a minor chief legatee named in will &c, no executor having been named, sworn before John Griffith and Evan Bowen clerks. [C.P.C. "Goare" fo. 80]. May 29. 1637. . Commission issued to Thomas Games, father of Elianore Games a minor, chief legatee in will of Elianore Games, late of Aberbrane co. Brecon spinster deceased, diocese of St. Davids. [Probate Ac't Book, under datej. A.S.M. (To be continued). FRIDAY, MAY 4th, 1888. NOTES. NOTES FROM AN OLD ACCOUNT BOOK RELATING TO THE PARISH OF DEFYNOG. The re-opening of the Parish Church of Defynog after restoration, which took place recently, makes it possible that the following extracts may be read with interest by the inhabitants, not only of that Parish, but of the County generally. They are taken from an old folio yellow with age, the ink in which the entries were made being faded and almost illegible, but the writing of the Church¬ wardens, Landowners, and other Parishioners, who signed the resolutions and minutes, and who kept the accounts, is remarkable for its clearness and style, and bears evidence of the amount of education which existed in the Parish one hundred years ago. It is doubtful, even in theso days of universal learning, whether a promiscuous collection of signatures could be found of so distinct and cultivated a type. This may to some extent be accounted for by the excellent School founded by Sir John Davy in their midst, and by the fact that the Vicars for many generations had been scholars and gentlemen, the celebrated Moses Williams being one of them, and the Parochial Registers (for many years the entries were made in Latin) testify to the culture of the Clergy, who recorded the births, marriages, and deaths of the rural population. Defynog has been spoken of as " a small Bishopric," being the Mother Church to four surrounding hamlets, i.e., Maescar, Cray, Senni, and Glyn, the Vicar having the right