"Old Brecknock Chips." 45 " distributed amongst the people in the Court, many " of whom had come from a great distance." Public service commenced again at three o'clock, when John "Wesley preached in the court, and the saintly Fletcher, of Madeley, followed. "About five o'clock the congregation was dismissed." The day after the anniversary Mr. Wesley left for Bristol, but for several days there was public preaching at four o'clock in the afternoon. Lady Huntingdon states, in one of her letters, " that this was a time " never to be forgotten. Copious showers of Divine " blessing have been felt on every side." Jaboo II. QUERIES. LADY HUNTINGDON'S COLLEGE IN BKECONSHIRE.—Can any reader of this column say when Lady Huntingdon's College, founded at Trefecca House, Talgarth, on the 24th August, 1768, was removed to Cheshunt, in Herts, where it now exists? Histoeicus. BRYAN DUPPA.—In the autobiography of Howel Harris, of Trefecca, mention is made of a religious work by a person who bore the name Bryan Duppa. The work had a very salutary effect upon the great Welsh revivalist, and, consequently, upon the state of theology in Wales, giving it a firm settling down upon Calvinistic foundations. Is the work known, and extant ? Who was the author ? In the Illustrated London News of last week there is an account of the will of George Duppa, of Hollingbourne House, Kent, who bequeathed £10,000 upon trust for his son Bryan Baldwin George Duppa. The remarkable coincidence in the names strongly intimates that the work was written by some ancestral member of the family. Perhaps somebody among your greatly scattered readers and correspondents can throw light upon this very interesting matter. J. Bowen Jones. 11th April, 1886. JANE WILLIAMS, «YSGAFELL."—Jane Williams, a Breconshire lady, who published in the year 1869 the best " History of Wales" that has yet seen the light, although the work seems to be very little known even in Wales (which at present is brimful of a very high-sounding" Nationalism "), to her later works always appended the title '' Ysgafell.'' Was this a bardic title conferred upon her at some particular time by some eisteddfodic authority, or did she claim descent from the noted Puritan minister, the Rev. Henry Williams, of Ysgafell, in the county of Montgomery. From what family of Williams was this too-little-known, but very accomplished lady, descended? Will "G.E.F.M.," or " Brywynllys," or " F.S.A.," kindly give us, in this column, some account of the late Jane Williams ? Jaeco II. FEIDAY, APEIL 27th, 1888. NOTES. OLD BEECON WILLS. (Continued from March 23rd, 1888). 1635. Sept. 14. 11 Chas. I Lucie Games of the town and co. of Brecon widow : To the reparation of the Cathedral Church of St. Davids 2 shillings, reparation of the Havards Chappell, Church of St. John the Evangelist 5 shillings. Mr Meredith Lewis, vicar of Brecon in liewe of my forgotten tythes 12 pence. To Mathew Thomas my nephew, best feather bed and bedding thereunto belonging, with curtaines valiance my best carpett and my best bason and ewer, half a dozen of new cushions, 2 pair of new blankets, my best diaper tablecloth and 1 doz: diaper table napkins, 2 of my best pillow beeres, 2 doz: of my best flaxen napkins, half doz: my best pewter platters, 2 pair best holland sheetes, best brasse pott and best brasse kettle. To the said Mathew Thomas my nephew all that mess: or bargage &cc. in suburbs of town of Brecon in a streete there ealled Ouldport inferior in as large and ample manner as I have purchased the same of one Jenkin ap Eees feltmaker, to him and his heirs for ever; my servant Thomas William to occupy the one moyety of the afsd: mess: or ten: rent free for his life. To the said Mathew Thomas my nephew my silver saltseller, best beare bolle of silver and £20, to be paid him by my exor. To Joyce Thomas the wife of my brother Mathew Thomas £5. My nephew John Thomas £30, one feather bed and its furniture in the green chamber, the standing presse in the same chamber, 2 pair new blankets, 3 pair flaxen sheets, 1 new carpet, 1 cupboard cloth, 1 cupboard cushion, 1 bason and ewer now being in the wainscote chamber and 2 trankes, 2 pillows with 2 pillow beeres, 1 doz: and half flaxen table napkins, half doz: pewter platters, 1 brasse pott, 1 brasse kettle. To my brother Morrice Thomas £5 and so much cloth as will make him a suit of clothes out of piece of new cloth which I have in the howse. To Katherine the wife of my brother Moris Thomas 8 yards new cloth now remaining in my howse. To Eichard Thomas the son of my brother Moris T. £5, Martha daur. of said brother £5, and to Johan Thomas my neece £5. To John Eickards gent. £5. To my brother-in- law William Shermond 40 shillings for ring for a remembrance of me. To my nephew