" Old Brecknock Chips." 43 " heard to say, that before he was sixteen years of " age he was the terror of the whole neighbourhood " where he lived." Mr Glazebrook, whilst at Tre- feoca, was distinguished equally by his superior abilities and his uncommon application. His piety was equally remarkable with his attainments. Mr Glazebrook subsequently became an eminent clergy¬ man, and in 1779 married the eldest daughter of Dr. Thomas Kirkland. Mr Glazebrook subsequently was minister at St. James's, Warrington, and he after¬ wards became vicar of Bel ton, Leicestershire. A memoir of Mr Glazebrook, the first Tref ecca student, appeared in the Evangelical Register for 1836. The first master or president of Tref ecca College was the noted Rev. J. Fletcher, with the Rev. Joseph Easterbrook as his assistant. Jaeco II. THE BANASTRES, AND THE BETRAYAL OF THE LOED OF BRECKNOCK.—A Banastre betrayed the unfortunate Duke of Buckingham, who, as Lord of Brecknock, rebelled against King Richard III. In Poole's Brecknockshire it is stated that the Banastres, as a result of their treachery, sank into poverty. This has been denied in some quarters, but it seems, after all, Mr Poole is histori¬ cally correct, and is substantiated by such a respect¬ able authority as Blakeway (Historian of Salop). Some account of this noted family will be found in Blakeway's Sheriffs of Shropshire, p. 57. A Banastre was sheriff of Salop in 1403. They ap¬ pear to have been of Hadnall, and by marriage also acquired the estate of Laken or Lacon. It is said that Ralph Banastre, a member of this family, betrayed the Duke of Buckingham, who, it will be remembered, hatched a rebellion in Brecknock Castle, with the help of M orton, Bishop of Ely (a prisoner consigned to his charge), against King Richard III. The Duke of Buckingham's army set out from Breck¬ nock Castle, although he had been watched for some time by Sir Thomas Vaughau, of Tretower, by the King's special command. Buckingham and his ill- conditioned army got to the banks of the Severn near Gloucester, but floods beat and rain deluged down, and we are not surprised to learn that his army of gallant Welshmen "melted like snow in the burning sun," and the unfortunate Lord of Brecknock (Buckingham) became a fugitive, and was hid by one of the Banastres in his house near Shrewsbury. King Richard offered one thousand pounds for the apprehension of Buckingham, and this at once shook the fidelity of the Duke's host, and Banastre betrayed his late master. Buckingham was executed in the Market-place, Shrewsbury, without any form of trial. It is said that Banastre was denied the reward he coveted, King Richard telling him that one who could be unfaithful to so good a master would not scruple to turn traitor to his king, if opportunity offered. The treachery of the Banastre family does not seem to have ended here, for we are told that it was by the negligence or treachery of Lawrence Banastre, Esq., that the most material evidence was preserved which brought to the block the Duke of Norfolk, whose counsellor hj was, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. They appear, as a family, to subsequently have sunk into comparative poverty. Blakeway, the Shropshire historian, could not trace the family further down than to Peter Banastre, of Hadnall. The arms of the family were—"Argent, a cross potent fleury; sable." Historicus. QUERY. '' LLANFIHANGEL."—The writer of the article entitled " Henry Vaughan, Silurist," in the first number of Old Welsh Chips, gives, as a translation of Llanfihangel-cwmdu, " The Church of the ADgel of the Dark Valley." Is this strictly correct? I have hitherto supposed "Mihang.l" to be Welsh for "Michael," and Llanfihangel to be a church dedicated to St. Michael, or, as commonly spoken, " St. Michael's." I may also point out that "Michaelmas" is always spoken of in Welsh as " Gwyl Fihangel," i.e., The Feast of St. Michael's. I am further of opinion that there are more churches in Wales dedicated to St. Michael than to St. Bride, and that those dedicated to St. Mary, " Llan Fair," if not so numerous, are not far short. Brwynllys. FEIDAY, APEIL 20th, 1888. NOTES. BRECKNOCK AND ABE RGAVENNY CANAL. —In the year 1809 Richard Crawshay, Esq., of Cyfarthfa, made a loan of £30,000 to (his Company for the completion of the Canal, provided it was completed within two years. It appeared even this vast sum of £30,000 would not complete an under¬ taking which, according to Jones in his Brecknock¬ shire, had already cost £150,000. An appeal for further loans, at 5 per cent, interest, was issued, and I have before me the circular that was sent to Lord Camden, and his lordship, in his own handwriting, signs his name for £500. The circular states that £60,000 was required to complete this stupendous work. The circular is dated " Brecknock, May 20th, 1809," and signed, "B A. Griffiths" (presumably the secretary to the Canal Company). The first boat-load of coal reached Brecon on the 24th Dec, 1800, the late Registrar of Crickhowell's father having brought it up. Historicus. "THE SOCIETY OF BRECON TRADES¬ MEN ''—I have before me the rules and orders of '' A Society of Tradesmen and Others, held at the "Swan Inn,\in Brecon, began June 27th, 1769." The rules on the title-page bear the borough coat-of- arms, and were " printed by W. and G. North, at " Brecon, m,dcc,xcvii " (1797). On the reverse of